Reenie, Mike, Ken Big Trouble!!
O.K. Guys & Gal You are all in Big time trouble with me for not checking in before I leave for San Diego. If you are reading ^& just not posting. O.K, but, if you are in trouble &
did not tell us. I will have to come haunt you down, apparently. So if anyone knows how they are & where they are.
Please check in & let us know. YOU HAVE BEEN TOO QUIET around
here!!!!! & I worry about you all
Marilyn, the Bearlady
Hi Marilyn,
I worry about them too.
YOu know I took a look at the other message boards for people who have had the surgery along time ago longer than our almost 3 month period!
for the most part it seems like rarely does anyone post to them anymore. if they do its close to when their anniversary date is and they check in. kinda sad.
we, our marchers 2004 i always felt would be the ones who would continue. The ones who would conquer everything to do with weight! surgery! TT's! you name it we were going to do it!
I still think I really do truely believe that ours is the best board and the strongest. We might not all check in here every single day. but when we do we are right there for each of us.
our lives are all busy. work, family, after work, holidays, we've got it all and now we can actually move it increases to gym excersize walking dancing! theres so much i want to do and not enough time to do it.
don't you worry marilyn if they aren't posting here they might be peaking and they care! and eventually they will post!
good luck and god bless, pammy
I'm also a little concerned about Karen, too. Everybody make sure you put them in your prayers and thoughts today, maybe they will be able to feel our moral support. I am the kind of person that when I'm really down I isolate myself so I do get worried when people fall off the radar. In fact let's put our whole board community up for support. We do have the best board ever.
Be safe in San Diego Marilyn.
Well, thank you all for your concern. I must say that I haven't even been lurking lately. The simple fact of the matter is that between working, being the father to three active girls, and taking care of my soon to be 86 year old mother-in-law I haven't had time. On that note, we are currently in the process of getting more help lined up as to free my wife and I up. Hopefully, I'll have more time in the near future, but thanks again for thinking of me.