I just had my labs done- b12, cdc differntial and albumen and the doctor's office said they were all in the normal range. However, I am briusing a lot on my legs and was wondering what could be the cause? I am lifting weights alot and doing alot of aerobic exercise, so I could be banging into a few things, but I don' think that is the cause.
I know what you mean about the bruising. I, too, am getting bruises everywhere. I have finally pinpointed my workout at Curves as to the cause and placement of the bruises. I asked about it when I was in for my 3 month checkup last week. They told me it may just be because my skin doesn't have the same padding underneath since I have lost 65 pounds so far. My blood work also has been normal. My nutritionist recommended something from GNC that should help. I will look up the name of it and repost tomorrow. Hang in there........Joann