I am trying to be more committed. I know that I have decided to have this surgery and this is my way of "confessing" what I have "sinned". I mean that even though I have taken my Pills and shakes I have not had as much as I am sopposed to. But,,, I have not gotten into the excersise regiment,,, Remember my surgery was March 2004 and I am not doing what is best for me,.... So thank you for letting me tell all of you out there what i have done. But I will keep coming back and saying hello. and I will try to keep my self in check. God luck to everyone else out there stay healthy
Hi Kim,
I was having a hard time getting motivated to exercize also. So now every week I come here and make a commitment for the next week. Last week it was getting to the gym 4 days. This week it's getting in 100 ounces of water every day. I'm the kind of person who does what she says so that gets my butt moving. I don't want to have to come back here and post any excuses for not working out or getting in my water after I said I was going to do it. You're more than welcome to join me every week.
ok, so I have taken my first few steps to get on the right track. I went through my Cosmopolitan magazines and took out all the fitness parts that I always said I was going to do. I drove around the parking lot at work this morning so that i could clock the distance so, i figured since i dont really eat on lunch i jsut read i could walk.. get some noon time excersise in.. Hopefully. I am making it a new week, day month time.. I mean why have the surgery and not become as beautiful as i know that i can be!
Thanks for the responces! I will not fail myself!