Happpy HOlidays!
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!!!
Happy sugar free pumpkin pie to all!!!!!!!
Its christmas morning at the Cooper household. Its 2006. I'm sitting here taking a look at the past.
I miss my children being children. Even though last night when they all came over I was at wits end with how they were all acting. My god the oldest is closer to 32 than to 31. My daughter the middle child is 29 and was acting like 8. the baby is 27 thats in years not months and sure was bugging the hell out of me. Eating candy, drinking soda, picking up their gifts whiining about opening them right then and there, Poking each other, throwing wrapping paper across the room. Wrestling. Teasing the dog with its squeeky toys. Laughing! Yelling! Running around this little condo like it was a football field! Do they ever grow up??? Their significate others sat back and watched the show.
hum, maybe the holidays aren't any different than before?
My mother and sister are in New Hampshire and were not coming down this year as originally planned. Mom got sick with her congestive heart failure on friday night as 1am and is in the hospital. So on Saturday morning at 4am I started out on that 3 & 1/2 hour drive to take them their giftsand make sure she was fine instead of the pie baking, cleaning, finishing wrapping, and shopping day that I had planned.
Mom is going to be ok. She's in her late 80's. She's doing pretty good all things considered. She was very upset about not being able to come here for christmas. So I'm keeping the tree and all the decorations up until she's able to come down in a few weeks. Hey thats a good excuse for not having the time to take them down! We all had a good visit my sister said that me coming was the big turn around for mom to feeling better. I think it was the presents!
I miss them today like I miss the kids being smaller...hold on a minute gotten get a tissue the tears are coming...
today will be a nice day. I got home yesterday afternoon from the 3 & 1/2 drive back home to CT. The kids all came over even though they had decided that I'd be too tired for company. hahaha I was too tired but I enjoyed them being here.
Since all the pumpkin pies in connecticut were sold out of ever store in a 50 mile radius we are having a pumpkin cheese cake that I'm making! It was ditto with the apple pies I really should have bought them frozen last week but NOOoOOooOoo I waited! Instead we will have a sugar free strawberry frozen yogurt pie that is obsolutely awesome! I have some sugar free strawberrys to put on top. yummmm Thank god I had the turkey or we'd be eating turkey shaped burgers on the grill. either way no matter what we eat we will have fun together.
The house is a mess I did'nt get to clean. The cat box realllly reallly reallLLLLLLY does need cleaning thats top on my list. The birds cages too! I'll light a few candles do a quick vacumn and I'm done!
Have a wonderful and happy holiday whatever you celebrate.
Keep those famiily members close to your hearts even if they can't be in the same state!
good luck and god bless,
You've been a busy bee. I'm glad your mom is going to be fine.
We decided to do a progressive Christmas this year so one person doesn't have to shoulder the burden of all the cooking and chaos. Christmas Eve was at my house and we opened all the gifts that I had for people here. This morning, breakfast is at my sister's house because she has all the small kids and we'll open all the gifts she bought for people there. Dinner is at my Dad's and we'll open those gifts that he bought. I'm thrilled because my share of the cooking and hosting is over. I've had 4 parties at my house and I'm beat.
I'm excited this year because my son and brother went in together to purchase stained glass making classes and all the tools and glass I'll need to get started. I made stained glass a million years ago, but haven't done it in decades and would love to start again. The Man gave me cordless power tools and the rest of the gifts I open as the day progresses.
I hope everyone has a joyous day and is good to themselves.
My Christmas was not quite a crazy as yours, however, I did
manage to have a pretty nice day. I woke up with the Walmart Crud (cold) and by later in the day did not feel too badly & was requested by my Ex's Sister to come & bring Ex to dinner.
I did & turned out to be a very good dinner. Had a bite of Turkey & Ham A bite of Dressing & Bite of potatoes & a little
salad & quit eating at that point. No dessert (which is an improvement for me) got lots of love from my kids (dogs) & came back home. Nice night & all-in-all not a bad day. Have to
go back to work today, & still have the walmart crud, but feeling somewhat better. Take care & Hope everyone has a Happy
New Year!! Glad your Mom is doing better!!
Marilyn, the Bearlady