A Rabbi, a Priest and a Duck Walk Into a Bar...
I don't really have a joke, I just felt like typing that title.
So let's talk about me... I'm doing well. Baked some Biscotti for my staff this morning. Note to self... Trying to bake something that you've never even tasted before is not such a bright idea. Another note to self... Covering burned Biscotti with chocolate tastes like burned Biscotti covered in chocolate.
So I'm up early yesterday morning and there is one of those weight loss infommercials on TV. Some yahoo will sell you his 159.00 plan to lose weight in 4 easy payments. There are people on this show who claim to have lost hundreds of pounds on this plan in 6 months or so. It's a miracle weight loss plan. The shyster, oh sorry, the inventor of this wonderful plan comes on stage and women cry. I'm looking at all of these size 2 women who have lost over a hundred pounds and none of them have the tell tale signs of massive weight loss. No sagging skin, no wrinkles, no thighs that pool on the chair. I find myself angrier and angrier at the diet and weight loss industry. This industry makes billions and billions of dollars on a public that is desperate for fat salvation and it's not illegal. OK, I'm done with that particular rant.
Had another chunk of skin cut out of my face last week. This is the largest section of skin I've had to have removed yet. Fortunately, it's in the hollow of my left cheek and I'm 1/2 way to having those wonderful sunken model cheeks that we all crave. Hopefully, my next spot of cancer will be on the right cheek and I can have that symmetrical sunken cheek look. Seriously, I'm OK with this because I'm grateful to be alive and have a good dermatologist who manages to leave me with very few scars. The Man's ex-wife had a motorcycle accident last month and damaged her face pretty badly. This is a woman who places a lot of her self-esteem in her appearance so it has been very hard on her. One of the blessings of being a fat girl was that I found other places to put my self-worth so having a swiss cheese face isn't bothering me as much as I thought it would.
Yesterday when I was climbing up and down the ladder getting the Christmas lights up, I once again thanked the powers that be for allowing me to have this surgery. I remember trying to buy a ladder 5 years ago and having to pay a fortune for a ladder that would hold my weight. Now I can run up and down ladders all day and not give it a second thought. 5 years ago, I remember stepping on rungs and feeling them bow under my weight.
OK, enough about me. Tell me about you.
HI Connie,
Cute, it got my attention. Sorry you are still having to deal
with the Cancer thing, but, at least they are taking care of it, before, it gets too bad.
I agree holeheartedly about the Weight Loss Industry. It is so upsetting to see what they get away with. We did it the right way & still struggle with keeping it off. So WE no better about that magic pill. NOTTTTT There!!
I am doing O.K these days. Today is my Birthday & actually
happy to see 53 I survived 52. That was the age my Father died
& becuase of thinking I would die at that age. It has been a
***** of a year. Glad it is now behind me Now it's on to better thinking & better plans. Going to see my Mom On Thursday for a few days. Been awhile. Take Care & Have a Great
Marilyn, the Bearlady
prayers about the cancer and always.
happy birthday marylin, mine is this saturday! i'll be 54.
hi reenie glad to see your posting.
i bought a step for my mother to use to get in and out of my sisters van. i stepped on it jumped on it and it was nice and sturdy. when i gave it to my sister & mom I showed them how strong it was. my sister (who is heavy) said wow that is great let me try it...it bowed. i didn't know what to say. i kept thinking it should have bowed with me on it. i've always been the bigger sister. i still have that issue of seeing myself as still the bigger one. so right away i thought oh rats the thing would break now i must have been lucky that it didn't break when i was on it! then i realized that it wasn't cause of me.
my sister has lost weight in the past year she's dropped 50 pounds with hard work. she is doing good. i'm proud of her. i know its because of me losing and i'm glad that it worked for her that my having the surgery made her stick with the dieting.
i'm blabbering.
merry christmas to everyone.