Dear "Marchers" -- I have been visiting your message board ever since I became aware of Rob's situation... I really admire all of you and your progress and wish you the very best in your journeys! I have never posted or replied to a message before. I understand Joy's situation with her return to work and I understand what it feels like to want to have and update on Rob -- even though I don't even know him!... I am still considering whether I have the courage to take this ste*****t. Rob's doctor performed a ventral hernia repair on me about 18 months ago. If I do have GB I hope that he will be able to do it... Enough about me... I went to see Rob about ten days ago after Joy posted a message about him on the WA state board. I was hoping to meet and give my support to his family. Unfortunately they had already left for the day. I was able to see Rob briefly. He was on a ventilator in ICU and was heavily medicated. I held his hand and prayed for him and told him there were lots of people praying for him and his family and that you all missed him very much. A couple days later I called the hospital and was able to talk to his mother. At that point his fever was even higher. Today I spoke with his sister and she said the hospital had requested that people not call for updates. His family, however, is still willing to share with those who want to know how he is doing. He is still on the ventilaror in ICU. Please keep him and his family in your prayers and thanks for all your concern for Rob. -- Sincerely, Melody