Delicious and good for you.
Meusli Recipe
8 oz low fat yogurt - fruity kind.
1/4 C oatmeal - quick cook kind
2 oz apple juice - I buy the 4 oz infant juices to use in recipes
1/4 - ½ C fresh or frozen strawberries or peaches, cut up
1 or 2 splenda packets
slivered almonds (optional)
Mix all together and leave for a couple of hours. This way the oatmeal absorbs the juice.
Depending on which yogurt you use the carb and calories may change a little.
Total Calories - about 200 for the entire recipe
Total Protein - 8.5
Total complex carbs - about 35
Lots of fiber - this is not a scientific recipe.
I made up this recipe when I was following the Cyberdiet meal plan. I found this to be excellentfor protein, and fiber. It also satisfied my sweet tooth.
I tried it last night and it gave me great fiber results this morning. (You know what I mean)
The carbs had no effect on me. I am sure that the carbs that we really need to worry about are the simple ones. As long as we have the complex carbs in moderation they will not hurt us and they also give us a lot of energy.
Of course, this is simply my humble opinion.