Don'****ch it...but did anyone watch Big Brother 4??? I grew up with the guy "Jason" on there...yeah we were best friends (isnt that what I am suppose to say when someone you know gets known through TV?) LOL
Hey Bethany! I am a HUGE (pardon the pun) fan of BB!!! But wasn't Jason on BB3? He was on the summer before last, when Lisa won. Last year's contestants were the ex-couples, and Jun won...
RUPERT!!! Not only because he's a loveable, caring character, but he's from Indianapolis (near me), and he's one heckuva fisherman!!!
-20 (finally!)
I watched last night! I definitely wanted Rupert to win, but was kind of put off by his drinking last night! I thought he was some sort of youth counselor or something! For some reason, that kind of blew my image of him!