4 Hours at the ER Room is No fun!!
HI There
Just got home from spending 4 hours in the emergency room
as I was having chest pains at work. This is not a good thing
& they did not think so, either. After 4 hours of checking
& poking turned out it was not a heart attack, only anxeity attack which can
be worse at times. So now have less hours than I had before &
the night off & the Doc says go home & don't stress!! RIGHT
I can do that. No money, No hours, but hey at least it was
only a warning & I was able to come home & did not have to
spend the night there. God has spoke & got my attention & I
will take better care of this body. It is the only one I have.
O.K> so I am a slow learner, but, at least I eventually get
the message.
Thanks again for being here!!:
Marilyn, the Bearlady
HI Connie
Financially, Medically, Mentally is all in the toilet lately,
but, as always I will survive. I will not let the devil win!!
Just so happens when I was in our DES office on Friday A.M.
to fight about my Insurance being renewed,before work
(Before the Anxiety attack) The gal their told
me they have openings. So I am headed into the Job service
on Tuesday to get on the list.I would go Monday, but it is
SSI day & MOndays are HELL in there.
If I could get on with the
State I would actually stay & not move. I am suppose to be getting more hours starting next week. (we'll See), but I am
still looking for full-time work in the mean time. I don't trust them. (they Lie) They told me I was full-time when I was
hired & only worked full time for 2 weeks then was changed down to 30. If I did not need the job so bad I would have left already. Enough Ranting for one night.It will just send me back to the Hospital.
Marilyn, the Bearlady
Hi Marilyn;
I'm glad that you're physically OK, but sorry that you are having such a rough time. Back in the "Bad Old Days", I went through a stage where I was convinced that I was in iminent danger of a heart attack (probably not far from wrong). I went through a period where I had more than a few anxiety attacks.....2 of which had me running to the emergency room. That was not fun. My PCP gave me a prescription for something that I could take when I felt an attack coming on. For all I know, this could have been a "sugar pill" or other placebo, but it helped me to rationalize what was going on and I actually got to the point where I could talk myself down from these episodes without drugs or trips to the ER! Once I learned how to do this, the attacks stopped completely! Of course now that I'm not as huge, I don't worry about my heart exploding, so I can worry about other things instead!! LOL