Shoe Problems, anyone else?
I have picky feet. I can only wear 'certian' shoes. The thing is I never know which ones that will be. I have bought a pair for $12 and my feet don't hurt. I have paid close to $100 for a really cool pair of hiking boots just for them to sit in my closet. See I don't know how my feet are going to react until like two days have passed. By then I've worn them outside and the bottoms are scuffed and dirty making it impossible to return them, so they sit. They sure are nice looking in the back of my closet! Any one else have problems getting shoes that are O.K. for more than a walk through the store? What do I do? Will these shoes ever be worn? By me? Is it the weight? When I lose with this be a self correcting thing?
Gayle my hubby used to get so mad at me because i would go to walmart and buy those little $2. ked look alike shoes. So i started getting the higher ones at different shoe places and he couldnt understand why they were in the closet. I have very very flat feet and the ones from walmart even though they hurt some dont hurt mine at all due to no arch. So now when they are onsale at the mart i get all the pairs they have in my size so i have no trouble getting rid of a pair even if they only last a month or so its better to pay $2 10 times a year than 30 for some that i wont wear. so for you ? yep i have funky feet
The last time I lost 100 lbs. (and let's hope THIS time will soon be the REALLY last time), I went down 1 shoe size and my discomfort eased. However, if you have bunions or some arthritis in your feet, then this will only help, not completely alleviate it. The other thing you might want to consider later is orthotics in your shoes, but be careful who you go to. It's best to get a podiatrist from a really good orthopedic surgeon, as they know the quacks from the qualified.
I dont know either. I have the worst problems with my feet. High arches which cause terrible pain, heel spurs and when I do alot of walking I get blisters. I went a bought some special socks that seem to help but man they cost 7 bucks a peice. cant buy too many of them. Lets just hope our feet will be happy soon.
I did have orthodics made but they were to keep my ankles from turning all the time and added .25" to my height which made it impossible to wear normal shoes, I had to wear high tops. The orthodics worked but they made my feet stink to high heaven because they were hard plastic and my feet sweat real 'well'. I had to get new shoes about every two weeks.
I was wondering if anyone else has these problems because I had been told that (only a portion) was weight related. I know that the old orthodics won't work for me once I lose weight because my feet will be different too.
Thanks, Love and Hugs, Gayle