Hi! Still here :)
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for the warm welcome back I took another pregnancy test just to be sure and yep...still positive I am nervous though because its so early. I'm most likely about 3 weeks along. I had a miscarrage before at 4 weeks before my son was born. So its a bit nerve racking.
I just had some strong cramps a little while ago but I think its just the normal cramping mixed with gas in my tummy.
I was slaving in the kitchen all night making a special Portuguese soup and dinner. "Takes forever!" Then after eating I gave my son his bath...or drew it and left it to him really...after we went upstairs he was complaining about his little "Itchy" head... in which I examined with a comb and then under a microscope! LOL... we have one set up in the kitchen. He talked me into it. Good way to be sure it wasn't lice. It wasn't THANK GOD!
BUT ... I had to re-wash his little head with head and shoulders and a nice conditioner... More work while I was already exhausted! Then had to give him his little nebulizer treatment.
He was in the hospital last week for 4 days with a croupy cough mixed with asthma. ... at any rate I had to give him his nebulizer treatment etc...
I came downstairs and started feeling the strong cramping in my lower abdomen on the right side and it scared me to death. SO I went upstairs and laid down. It went away real quick and then I heard and felt my belly. Cripes it was/is SOOOO noisy!!! gassy. lol
My appt. to see the docs/ (wls Surgeon and Baby Doc) is not until the 31st and Nov 1st so I have all next week to worry
Until I get that ultrasound done, and see for sure that everything is ok, I will be nervous as heck. We haven't told my son yet. He's 8 by the way. He will be soooooo excited. He always always wanted a brother or sister. Except he would always ask me if he could have an OLDER brother or sister. In which I then explained to him that ... that was pretty much impossible. Kids are so funny. Welp now that I have rambled my butt off...I'll be going.
Elizabeth M
Hi Elizabeth;
Relax.....everything is going to be just fine. Your comment about the cramps reminds me of a funny story from when my wife was pregnant with our first child. She was getting very close to the due date when she had a strong urge for bacon and onion pizza; so she had it for lunch. Later that evening, she started having bad indigestion. This kept up for several hours until she realized that her "Indigestion pains" were coming at regular intervals!!! OOOOPS......those indigestion pains were labor pains.....off to the hospital we went!!! Fortunately, the Good Lord watches out for fools like us and we had plenty of time to get to the hospital. Watch out for that bacon and onion pizza!!!