You may be able to eat a bit more than 2 oz at this point, especially if it is soft food. As you get to heavier food, it takes less and you get more of a satisfied feeling.
There is no automated signature. You have to type it! Some who like to put quite a bit in, type it into a text document in notepad and paste it in each time.
-32 lbs
That is a question best asked of your surgeon--every surgery is a bit different. You can judge somewhat the size of your pouch by eating measured amounts of cottage cheese until you feel "full". Make sure you eat slowly, paying attention to your body's signals. That is how I learned what my new "full" feels like.
Keep in mind that when you eat more "solid" foods, you won't be able to eat as much as what you measured. One of the worst things you can do (in my opinion) is to eat significantly less than you need to feel satisfied, then end up eating again in a short amount of time because you are still hungry. Unless your doctor instructs you differently, by a month out, you should be eating at defined mealtimes and not "grazing". For most of us that is a hard habit to break!
This is indeed a rollercoaster ride of learning! I must admit that much of my learning has come when I was not mindful of the signals and overate. That is another way to discover pouch size, but is not so pleasant!!
Good luck and happy losing!
-32 lbs
The bariatric coordinator at the hospital where I had the surgery has warned me about this. She has had the surgery herself, so has also experienced this. She said that after a few weeks the pouch muscles start to assert themselves. Some days it may feel as if you can't get anything in, as they clamp tight. Other days it will feel as if you can eat anything and everything, as they relax. It's totally normal. She also stated that on the days it clamps shut - go to liquids as it's easier. On days it relaxes, stick to the same amount of food, and stop before you are hungry (not so easy to do if ya ask me). Anyway, she also said that after a few months this settles down as the muscles decide how they should best behave.