Its been a long time!
Hi Everyone! I have missed you guys so much! It has been a very long time since I stopped by here. No real reason except that I am not on the web all that much. But I wanted to say hello to everyone and see how you all are doing! Dinka! Your pic looks awesome you look so beautiful! (its been a long time since I have even peeked on here...) Haven't had a chance to peek around at everyones Profiles. This place looks so different. Well things have been quiet for me really. Nothing new for the past 10 months really. Just living life. (Nothing exciting though) lol. As far as food and all that is concerned...I can eat anything. I mean anything. Sooo... I try to be very careful not to gain. I can eat alot too if I'm not careful. Its strange I swear its like I never had surgery. I can't even feel when I get full anymore. Its strange. Ah well. I know by now what I can and cannot eat and if I goof then...welp its off to the gym. I still am struggling to get to goal and I still have a pretty long road ahead when it comes to getting off the remaing pounds and plastic surgery. BUT that has to wait as I just found out that I am pregnant! SO that is pretty freaky. Its been 8 years since my son was born so this will be interesting. It isn't official (as in I havent seen my obgyn as of yet) but the tests say positive. SO if anyone out there has had a little one since surgery I am all ears! lol. Welp I wanted to just touch base with you guys and I SWEAR I will stop in more often. Everytime I stay away too long I think to myself... "Why the heck didn't I check in sooner?" Big hugs to all of you! I missed you guys!!!!
Elizabeth M
If a
would have tapped me on the head this morning and said, "What is your fondest wish today?" I would have said, I WANT TO HEAR FROM ELIZABETH!!! (And then I would have asked for a twinkie) It is soooooo wonderful to get your post! And congratulations on the baby, how wonderful! Our own little Marcher!
Please, please, please don't stay away. You bring so much joy to our Board and I have missed you terribly. Wow, with you and Jen returning to the fold, I just don't know what to do with myself!
Listen, I can relate to everything you say; I can eat ANYTHING and in ANY QUANTITY and it is as if I never had surgery. That's why, for me, it's all about my choices, every day - and it's been that way for me for at least the last year and a half. Some days I'm stronger than others. Most days I hear that nasty voice inside my head screaming, it's only a matter of time before I will gain it all back. I've had a very rough day today but will contrinue to try hard every day. What a battle. Now that you're back you must promise not to stay away too long - we need to know about the baby! Are you happy, sweetie? You sure have made my day!!!
HI Maureen!!! I missed you too!!! Tons and tons!!!!
I was in such shock at first. 8 years in between...I figured I was done. But I'm starting to get over the shock slowly and I'm sure I will be excited very soon. I want to be sure so I'm going to pick up another test and just double check. My appt isnt until the 31st so I have to wait until then to hear all about whats going on in there...How far along and such... My hunger this past week has been bad! But could be now I know why.
It is so hard for me to get this weight off. Frustrating at that I'm pregnant I wonder if its safe to loose weight? Oh I have a ton of questions for the docs and man...I can imagine how many appts! I am sure I will have plenty, between checking up with my wls surgeon and the ob/gyns. My son will be absolutely beside himself. He will be so darn excited. Still at 8 he wants a brother or sister. We haven't told him yet...once we have a definite answer and know everything is ok we will tell him. WEll I will check in again soon!!! ((HUGS))~~~
Elizabeth M
Congratulations!!!!!! What a wonderful gift. I remember there was someone from my support group who was a couple of years ahead of me. She had lost alot of weight and looked wonderful. I'd watch her and think Oh i can't wait until its my turn to be thin! Then I think it was just before I went in for my surgery she came in and was preg.! Reenie do you remember her? I never did hear what happened to her after that. I was so involved in myself and all my changes.
Is this your 2nd child? Good luck and god bless,
'lizbet, I've been thinking about you all night; actually, your pregnancy is a terrific opportunity for you to really embrace all the wonderful behavioral changes you've embraced these past two+ years. I remember during both my pregnancies, I took better care of myself than ever before -- because I was responsible for the health of my babies. All you have to do is commit to some sort of physical activity every day - even if it's just a 1/2 hour walk; and feed your body healthy foods. The cravings are going to be there - heck, they're present even without being preggers! But you will do great. As for the gap between the ages of your kids, there are pros and cons to both scenarios - having your kids close together or spread out over several years. My kids are 6 years apart and while they are close and are good friends, they also enjoy the independence that comes from being their own person at their own age - if that makes sense. My 13 year old son is loving being an "only child" now that his sister is off to college! You'll do fine. Please let us know what the doc says and when you're due. By the way, I visited your profile and I love the collection of poems you have there! You should post the one about on-line friends - it really moved me and I think our Board will really relate. Have a great day! Love, M.
Hey Lizziebeth!!!!
It's great to hear from you......we missed you!!! Congratulations on the pregnancy whether it's "official" or not. I guess that after 8 years, it would be a bit of a shock! I won't say that it's a bad thing though, as I was the result of one of those "Unexpected pregnancies". My mom wasn't able to concieve for years after my sister was born, and then after 7 years, here comes Mikey!! I wish you good luck and good health.
I'm glad to know that you are doing OK.....Please check in when you can and let us know how you are doing. You're part of the family......don't be a stranger!!
HI Elizabeth it's wonderful to hear from you & to know you are
doing O.K. Congratulations on the Baby. I have heard of others
getting pregnant after WLS & it did not affect them at all. Just follow what your Doctor tells you & you & baby should be
just fine. I agree with Reenie, even if its just walking 30 min everyday. Do It to keep healthy during this nine months.
Thanks for stopping buy & hope you retrun again soon.
We want to keep this board from dying & staying in contact is
the only way to do that. All is Good on the March Board!!!!
Marilyn, the Bearlady