Anyone have weight memories?

Dinka Doo
on 4/13/04 7:13 pm - Medford, OR
You know - like: "When I was 185 I moved to the coast. When I was 225 I was working for a doctor. When I was 240 I met my DH. When I was 245 we got engaged. When I was 260 we got married. When I quit smoking I was 285." I'm looking at these times in my life when I was so unhappy with myself and my weight and was constantly losing and gaining and going upwards, that I'm looking forward to hitting these numbers on the way down. I can't wait until I get to see what I feel like from the opposite perspective....of coming down to it. Do any of you feel this way? Dina
on 4/13/04 9:50 pm - Mesa, AZ
I have a lot of memories relating to weight. When I went to have my surgeon's consult I put together an albumn of pictures showing all the flucuations and when I gained the majority of weight and all the dieting afterwards....It was funny, because I knew exactly what year was missing when I was almost done, and had to ask my daughter to supply me a picture of my grandson's third birthday party.....because I knew that was an important one. My last big weight loss prior to surgery was in 1999 and I met my Hunny in 2000 and he has been with me through the whole gain back....and I keep telling him I weighed this and I weighed that at different events.....LOL isn't it strange? I hope soon I have it out of my mind, I am a normal weight and stop thinking about it.
on 4/13/04 10:57 pm - Arlington, TX
When I was in college I cheered when I got down to 185, and got all new clothes. After my daughter was born I cheered when I got down to 200. When I went on Atkins the first time I cheered when I got down to 225. When I went on Weigh****chers a few years ago I was so disgusted with myself at 319 and cheered when I got down to 255 (my lowest before I blew it) to put it in perspective I am now 313 - I cheered when I got down to 319 cause I knew that was my old starting point. I was 360 when I had the surgery (actually 368 after my IV was taken out, but those 8 lbs don't count) -Sherrie
on 4/13/04 11:02 pm - Stafford, VA
YEP, I do. I was 215 last spring before the last diet that balloned me up to 250. 1. I was 204 when I married five years ago. (Can't wait to be below 200 for my hubby). 2. I was 220 when I divorced 7 years ago. (fantasy- to be 130 next time I see the ex) 3. I was 180 when I moved. 4. I was 150 after pregnancy that caused me to yoyo to 247. 5. I was 125 for many years before the yoyoing started. Robin 247/212/130
Lissa S.
on 4/14/04 2:36 am - Spokane, WA
Oh the are just a few of mine... 1) 4 yrs old...the pediatrician decided I wasn't just carrying baby fat any more and put me on a diet. I remember crying because all the kids in Kindergarten got graham crackers while I got fruit. 2) 3rd grade -- jeans were a size 14 and I weighed 150 pounds (which is now my goal weight...amazing...I'll be able to say I weigh what I weighed when I was ten lol). 3) 6th grade -- I was 11 years old and 252 pounds. That summer I was send to fat camp (Weigh****chers camp for kids) at Westmont College. Ironically Carnie Wilson was there at the same time. I was so proud of losing 31 pounds. Which let me start Junior High at 221. 4) I left for college at 306 pounds. I remember crying to my mom that I never wanted to see 300 again and so I dieted...didn't work. However my Junior year I ended up with tonsilitis so many times (6 hospital admissions for the infection) that I lost down to 285. That is the true lowest I've ever been in my adult life. 5) I have hovered at 335 for a long time. I could diet back down to 335 and gain up to 350, but this past year when I had my second child I started the pregnancy at 354, during the pregnancy lost down to 345...and immediately after he was born shot up and up and up to a high of 392 right before sugery. I'm finally back down to 352 which is where I should have started! 285 will be a huge marker for me. I felt okay at that weight, and I know I looked soooo much better than I do now. Lissa
on 4/14/04 7:12 am - Chattanooga, TN
As a former military wife, most of my weight memories are connected to where we were stationed at that time. Odd, huh. Last week I reached 329 and my first thought was, "I haven't weighed that since I lived in Yuma!" LOL Unfortunately I've since regained back to 332. ARRRGGGHHH
on 4/14/04 10:00 am - Salisbury, NC
My first memory of my weight problem was a doctor appt. I was around 12 and went in for a physical. The doctor told me I was so big that I weighed more than him and more than most overweight men. I felt so so so bad. From that point on I have been ashamed of my weight. I have never been thin. I cant wait to have thin memories!!! LaDonna -40
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