Bad attitudes?
I have read on more than one occasion where someone hates to hear people say "10 lbs gone forever!" because they feel most people regain it anyway. They lump everyone who ever says that in with those who gain it back. Certainly we all know that there is some recidivism but most people are able to maintain at a much lower weight than when we started.
I just wanted to vent off on this a little because frankly it ****** me off just a little to have someone rain on my stinking parade. Yes, I have lost 24 lbs I will NEVER see again. How do I know that? Well, other than the complete stomach separation I have, I also have the willpower and interest in being on watch and not falling into bad habits of breaking the rules. That doesn't mean I won't gain a little after I get to my lowest point, but it does mean that I don't ever intend on getting back to this point EVER.
Dina c(__)
Dina, I agree wholeheartedly even though I may be one of the offenders who whined about "guarantees" in a weak moment. Sorry. I, too, am totally committed to WLS success and, even though my surgeon has pegged me for getting down to "around 200 lbs.", I refuse to accept that. My goal is 150 and, damn, I'm gonna get there. Thanks for the reality check. Maureen
I agree! It amazes me when I go to a support group meeting and I hear people whining that they want to eat sugar, and that if they gain weight they know they can lose it again. -HELLO- isnt that what got them here in the first place? Yes, some people fail, but you can pretty much figure who they are after the first six weeks based on how much they are trying to see what they can get away with. I prefer to stick to the rules, not only because I dont want to dump, but because I studied this surgery for 2 1/2 years, and WENT TO WORK for Aetna to get it done - I will be danged if I let some stupid craving undo my hard work!