What a terrific response from an extremely terrific group of people! Let's do this: go ahead and dedicate your 5 minutes (or whatever you want) of workout to Rob (or quiet time if you are not able to exercise yet) 6:00 p.m., EST, we will all collectively find a quiet place where we can center ourselves and then zap our our positive energy, thoughts and prayers to Rob. I am certain our effort will reap wonderfully healing rewards for our friend. Thanks so much! God bless and be well, Maureen
I have set my timer for 5:00 CT (6:00 EST), so I can be with everyone in prayer. In fact - I will actually get on my treadmill this evening in honor of Rob. That'll get me going! If I have real motivation, I will exercise, so Rob - this workout is for YOU!!!!
Thanks for coordinating, Maureen!
Reenie - thanks for the 6pm reminder - I looked at this post at 5 of 6. Instead of an extra 5 minutes, I dedicated a hill walk to Rob. I've been doing just flat - today I went up and down a hill. Maybe because it was for Rob, I didn't get winded at all!
Thanks again for the idea. Still prayin for Rob - will be until I hear good news!
I just got on this board at 7:00 but I am doing an extra set of exercises for Rob tonight. I also have been in prayer for him on and off all day he is always in my prayers. The good Lord will bring him through this. I just know God hasn't brought him this far for him to not be able to turn around he will heal Rob in the name of Jesus Amen....