Speed bump at the end of incision?

on 4/7/04 7:25 am - Swedesboro, NJ
Hi, I had open RNY, 10" incision, have had no problems up until today. I noticed a reddish bump at the very end of my incision, next to my belly button. It's about the size of the tip of my index finger, raised, and hurts alittle to the touch. Called my surgeon and he said its drainage, put warm compresses on it and it'll pop. EWWWWWW, before I hung up I forgot to ask, what is the medical term exactly & what's gonna pop? He said if I start to run a fever to call or if the pain worsens, which would be signs of infection. I'm alittle concerned. Did I do something to cause this and has anyone experienced this..... Thanks, Wendy
Pat/Louise W.
on 4/7/04 7:54 am - Bradenton, FL
RNY on 03/18/04 with
My ds had lap rny and this happened to him at every one of his incision sites. In fact he had warned me to expect it. Just keep a wet gauze covered w/plastic wrap and tape on it and it should ooze out within 24 -36 hours. You did not cause this and there is nothing that I know of that you could have done to prevent it. Louise
on 4/7/04 7:59 am - Houston, TX
Hi Wendy - my surgery twin! I have about an 8" incision and I got a bump about 2" from the top - actually - it started to spread a little - kinda grossed me out because I could see layers of skin. ANYWAY - I used Hydrogen Peroxide to bring out any infection. It bubbled up. I would do this about 2 times a day and it seemed to have healed itself. However, now that my incision is pretty much just a scar, that area is darker and wider than the rest of my incision. I guess it just has personality. I think what you have is probably an abscess of some sort. Not to play doctor, but Hydrogen Peroxide might help along w/ the warm compresses. If the area starts to feel warm and gets red, it's an infection. I doubt it's anything that'll put you back in the hospital, but keep taking your vitamins religously so you can fight off the infection. Maybe get a little extra vitamin C? I doubt you did anything to cause it. I think mine was caused when I had an allergy attack about 5 days post op and I spent the entire day sneezing while trying to hold my insides in with a pillow. NOT FUN!! Good luck to you! Good to hear from you! Keep in touch! -Wendy (what a great name!)
Amy B.
on 4/7/04 8:05 am - maple shade, NJ
Hello Wendy , I have a speed bump kinda in the middle of my incision. The top seems to be healing fine and the bottom seems to be healing fine but the middle is where i am getting leakage from, seems kinda strange to me. I called the dr and they said ohhh its normal, and the nurse has seen it and she said it is ok too, she will be back tomorrow im going to tell her i am concerned again and see if she does anything, if they still say no big deal i guess i just wait one more week till my 3 week check up. Let me know how it goes for you..
Dinka Doo
on 4/7/04 8:22 am - Medford, OR
Might be a seroma. I had one that leaked on me during a nap and soaked through my dressings, my underwear and my binder. I have a few lumpy areas I suspect are harboring more liquid, but it's hard to say. And they are reducing in size. If it's a seroma it should leak clear/yellow liquid with maybe a little blood in it. If it's opaque like pus or smells bad, get to the doctor as it's an infection. Better to be safe than sorry! Dina
on 4/7/04 11:51 am - Swedesboro, NJ
Thanks ladies...... All the advice has helped me with my worries. Its now down to a low roar, according to my hubby. I will watch it, hope it doesn't grow any bigger, & let it runs its course, hopefully with no infection or pain! I have doubled up on my Isotonix vits and taking my temp regularly. Hey my surgery twin....the girl w/the same name I've been meaning to e-mail you......I'm glad to hear your doing well and I'll be in touch. Its kinda hard with the kids now....I had help for 3 wks, now its over , back to being solo mommy during the day until DH comes home at 6pm. Probably why I'm having this problem incisionally. Thanks again, Wendy
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