thank you mike foryour warning. i was lucky and didn't have some of the things you get with the flu but then wondered if we can get dehyrdrated just by not drinking as much as we should even in cold weather. i guess when i go today to see my doctor i will ask. she's my regular doctor GP? who has been great with questions about my health along with my being a gastric by pass person. if she doens't know she does the research and finds out. I've had her call me at 9pm to tell me something that she has found.
in fact when i was going for all the begining things with the surgery i talked with her about it. she told me she was against it but would find out all she could about it. and she did! she researched dr A and the other doctors i looked into jsut like i had done and then talked to other doctors. she told me her feelings were with Dr A and she also had printouts she had done on line about the surgery. WE tlaked about it in depth. Made me feel very good about it. She again said that she was against it but would support me and get me information when ever she could.
now years after she tells me that of all her patients who have had it done as far as I know there are 4 of us in her group she says i'm the star! i wonder if she tells everyone that? hahaha But she does with my permission give them my phone number and i tell them i can only tell them my journey they need to do their own and not base their decisions on surgery on mine. i do not recommend it to anyone all i can say is if i had the choice to make again i'd sign on iin a heart beat. i do tell them about this message board and support groups and then tell them after they do aoll of that thats when they should make their decsiion.
anywho i still have the headache BUT i'm making sure to drink drink drink cause with the way my head has been the past few days it can only help!
Hi Pam,
Yes, dehydration is no joke. I'm no expert, but I do know that you can very easily get dehydrated in cold weather. In fact, in some ways, it's even easier than in hot weather. On a cold, dry day, you don't feel it as much and you don't tend to think about it as you would on a hot don't seem to feel as thirsty. You don't tend to realize that you are dehydrated until it's too late. You're lucky that you have such a good and caring doctor. She sounds like she really did a lot of good work for you.
yup, Pam & Mike it will be easier in cold weather. I have also cut way back on the
coffee i was drinking am almost to streight decaf again. I was noticing a big difference
in my health & depression due to the caffeine & adding more water & crystal lite in its
place. Works much better (so far).
Marilyn, the Bearlady