2 problems - any suggestions?
Hi Dina,
I did put in an order of it, and the lemonade last time you mentioned them in a post, but they hadn't arrived yet. Just got them about 10 minutes ago, so I will be trying it later on. They also sent me a sample of the grape, and fruit punch powder. I'll let you know if they work for me. Thanks for the info.
I am currently 2 weeks out and I drink Isopure Zero Carb, Creamy Vanilla powder mix, they ahve other flavors also. I mix it with skim mil and does not taste to bad, 2 scoops of teh stuff has 50 grams of protein so it is pretty packed in that department. You willjsut have to keep trying, but he boost and other things usually have carbs or sugars, you want just straight Whey protein