Post Op Pain

on 4/5/04 10:04 am - Gouverneur, NY
Hi..I am not quite 2 weeks post-op. Every night(the past 5) I have had pain in the lower part of my left rib cage that goes all the way over to my side. I have tried changing position, walking, laying down to no relief. I had open RNY. It does not seem to be my incision at all.I have tried changing what I eat or drink in the evening but that does not seem to make a difference. My diet consist of water, juice, Protien drink, SF popsicles, jello, pudding, chicken broth. The pain really kicks my butt. And I can tolerate pain quite well. Has any one else ever had this happen? Debbie The Shy One
Virginia H
on 4/5/04 10:47 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Debbie, The pain comes from an irritated diaphragm. I had this post op and it got so bad that my body fought back and created a pocket of fluid to try to protect itself. I ended up with a pleural effusion and back in the hospital. Most patients don't go anywhere near as far with the problem as I did. Let your surgeon know your having problems, the pain can keep you from doing your walking so don't let them blow you off. My pain was not touched by narcotics, only anti-inflammatory meds (Toradol). The more active you are the sooner it will resolve. But again, if you're in pain you're not going to be very active. Call your doc, if your surgeon won't do anything about it, call your PCP. Va Also the irritated diaphragm can cause the dreaded "left shoulder pain". Three areas share a common nerve root, which also feeds into the area around the heart. Stay vigilant - don't let them blow you off!
on 4/5/04 12:25 pm - Gouverneur, NY
Thank you for your reply. I am going to see my Dr in Syracuse tomorrow. I will be getting my staples out. I will definately talk to him. Its very painful and as you said, pain meds do not seem to touch it. The pain sometimes goes right into my back too, right from the front chest area. It least I now have something to ask him about. I'm glad you are doing much better now Debbie
on 4/5/04 11:16 am - Ft Gaines, GA
Mine was caused by the Gtube that was left till week 2. when they took it out, the pain went away. I was so so happy.
on 4/5/04 12:28 pm - Gouverneur, NY
Thank you Martha & Marcie for your suggestion. I am one of the lucky ones and didn't have a gtube. I experienced them with previous surgeries. Ouch! I am happy to hear you both have them out now. Hope things go smooth for you from now on. Debbie The Shy One
Marcie F.
on 4/5/04 11:48 am - Anderson, IN
Mine was caused by my drain. It wasn't putting out much after the second night, and man oh man, did it cause a world of hurt! I felt a *lot* better after it was removed just four days post-op. (BTW, my surgery was lap.) Check with your surgeon's office to see if s/he can do something to help. Hugs, -Marcie
Sue J.
on 4/6/04 12:26 pm - Whiting, NJ
Debbie my doc keeps warning me of of left side pain that can radiate around 6 inches in all directions and his explanation is that is where a big stitch is and the muscle or whatever is stitched inside keeps trying to spasm to get the foreign stitch out...and you might have the pain untilits totally healed...not sure if that helps but I am interested to see what your doc says.... Hugs, Sue
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