Up on the Soapbox!!
Hi Gang;
Judging by what I've seen in recent posts, I think that it's time for a little preaching, so here goes:
It seems like we have all reached the Post-Op stage where the mal-absorption issues are really kicking in for a lot of us. Anemia seems to be running rampant and other body-chemistry issues are rearing their ugly heads! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be easy answers for many of these problems and I a very concerned for those of you who find yourselves in this situation. Having a problem and not knowing how to solve it is totally frustrating. This speech is not aimed at you guys.
So what's your point, Mike.......I'm reading far too many posts where Marchers say that they are not being very good about taking their supplements.
You went through the hell in preparation and recovery from WLS; you've totally modified your eating habits and changed your lifestyles in countless ways. You've joined gyms and gotten involved in exercise programs, some of you for the first time in your lives. You drag yourselves out to support groups when you are tired after a day at work. Many of you have suffered through one or more bouts of plastic surgery and the recovery from same to look and feel better. The price of WLS for many of you has been divorce. Of all the things that Post-Op life requires, taking the supplements has got to be the easiest, and very few things that we do are more important. I have not been totally good about my eating habits and I sometimes let my exercise slide, but the one thing I have been religious about is taking my supplements. So far (and I'm knocking wood as I say this), my bloodwork has been perfect. I'm not saying this to beat my chest and tell you how great I am. It just seems to me that with all of the Post-Op issues, THIS IS ONE THAT WE HAVE TOTAL CONTROL OF......SO CONTROL IT DAMMIT!!!!!!!! Seriously folks, it's not really that hard to teach yourself to take some pills on a regular schedule. Those few pounds you've gained back that you're stressing about probably will not kill you, but not taking your supplements probably will!! SO PLEASE.....GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GET IN THE HABIT OF TAKING YOUR SUPPLEMENTS!!! IT'S NOT THAT HARD.......PLEASE.....YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON THIS!!!!!!!!! Ok.....end of speech......be well, my friends.
Attaboy, Michael! Now we got some juices flowin' -- nothing wrong with a good, strong dose of tough love! Having said that, I must remind you that there are many incidences wherein people are vigilent about taking their supplements (like moi) and STILL experiencing serious post-surgery medical problems. I forgot to mention hypoglycemia in my last post - I've got that one BIG TIME. Nasty, nasty bouts of low blood sugar episodes. BUT you're absolutely right, we must be very, very careful about taking good care of ourselves, our new bodies, and our confused brains! Thanks for sticking your neck out on this one...we needed this! M.
Hi kiddo;
Thanks for backing me up on this....I think that it's too important to ignore. If you look in the first part of my post, I did say that this speech was NOT aimed at those who are taking all their supplements and still have trouble. I feel deeply for those who have problems and no answers. I just wanted to send a loud and clear wake-up call to those who are not taking their supplements and wondering why they don't feel as well as they should. Why not control what you can control and hope the doctors can solve what you can't control. That's where my "Rant" was heading. By the way, I have had a few blood sugar episodes when I got careless with my intake.....pretty scarey stuff!! Take care, my friend.
Marilyn, please be sure to let us know the results of your colonoscopy and any other word you get with regard to malabsorption issues. This is very real and very serious - and we have not paid close enough attention to it for too long...all in the name of the numbers; losing weight, no matter the cost. We can do BOTH - lose the weight and reap the health benefits - but we must be diligent in our self-care, even if it means we take on the responsibility of educator our own doctors. Will wait to hear from you, until then, be well and thanks for ALWAYS being here. Love, M.