Stricture or to be expected??
Hi all, I think I am developing a stricture, or maybe eating too much. But I was able to take in more in the first week, maybe because it was pureed. I am still on soft foods, but now throwing up 2-4 times a day. Even Mashed potatoes, medicines, etc
I met with the gastro doctor and he doesn't feel it is safe to do an endoscope til 3rd week.
Anyone else dealing with this?
Thank God I am not the only one... I read everyone's doing great and blah-blah, but I am having a hard time. Nothing wants to stay down and I am back on liquids. I am sooo weak from not getting enough nutrients. My doctor said to give it a little time and then they would check some more. To make things worse, the doctor said I am not losing weight faster because my body is in starvation mode. Can I EVER win????
the Dr's office called and I am scheduled for an endoscopy on Tuesday morning. Has anyone else had that done? I am not looking forward to another IV, since they blew 3 veins before they got it in last time.
I am nervous about this, but know I should go ahead. I can only eat a couple of bites and then it is so painful then I throw up. I am trying to stay on liquids, but I only like canned shakes and I ran out. The shakes I make in the blender have too much air in them and I have alot of pain and burbing with them.
They originally gave me phenegran and that made me feel awful and I do better just suffering thru it!