Two people in my family have had peritonitis and almost died from it. This can happen if the bowel is nicked and waste leaks into the abdominal cavity. Essentially, you poison and infect your system. My father was in ICU for 3 weeks last summer and my sister just had drains removed from her stint with peritonitis a few weeks ago. She was hospitalized for a week and had 3 pockets of abcesses.
I know that all doctors are different, but if it were me, I would err on the side of over-communication and call the doctor's answering service. Let him know that nothing has moved and ask what he wants you to do.
Best of luck. I'll say a prayer that everything works out for you.
Mine didn't work for the longest time, like hours. It was really weird, as I had a colonscopy a year ago and had INSTANT results that time. Just as I was thinking it would never work, WHAM, it was sure workin'. Hopefully, that's your situation right now.
However, it wasn't as violent as the last time, maybe because I had less in my system. Do not, on any account, drink more of it than prescribed. I was getting ready to call the doctor and ask if I could do that when I was, er, stricken.