6 days post op & clueless, please Help!!!

carmen M.
on 3/29/04 4:57 am - Levittown, PR
Hello everybody, Just wanted to thank everybody here that kept me on their prayers. It was a couple of bad and painfull days but now I feel a lot better. My problem is that I think I was on drugs or something while my surgeon and my nutricionist were giving me the instructions on what and when to eat. I know that I have to be on clear liquids for almost a month but I can include baby food, apple puree, broth, 100% juice with no sugar added, and gelatin. But my question is how many times a day can I drink water and juice? I've been drinking almost 2oz of liquid every other hour but sometimes my stomach feels weird, and I get a little bit of diarrea. Is this normal? I'm scared I'm not doing things right. Please Oh by the way I had surgery on 03/23/04 and so far I'm 19 pounds lighter, Yuhhuuuuu!!!
on 3/29/04 5:27 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Carmen, Please call your doctor or nutritionist and have them WRITE it out for you. I was allowed up to 4 oz of fluid per hour the day after surgery in the hospital and then it went to 6 oz per hour the next day and 8 oz the third day. I don't have to get that much in, but I can do that much. I am on liquids and protein shakes right now, and should be getting 64 oz of liquid per day. Each doctor has different instructions regarding re-introducing foods, but the 64 oz of fluid is pretty standard. Hugs, Mo doin' a 7 days post op happy Mo dance
Cynthia A.
on 3/29/04 6:26 am - Holland, OH
congrats on the 19lbs loss so far. I had surgery the same day as you but have only lost 5lbs. I'm holding a lot of water in my legs and feet which I have never done before surgery. My feet look like balloons with corn sticking out. lol I doing protein shakes and creamed soups and yogurt so far. I also tried cream of wheat drink that was good. Just make it very thin. I seem to see all the food commercials and want to eat that food. I'm getting cravings and I know I can not have them. It's a little scary but I know I can eat normal after 6 weeks. We will get there....Good Luck.. Cindy
on 3/29/04 6:45 am - Little Rock, AR
Don't be discouraged. Once you get rid of that fluid, no telling how much you are losing! Try drinking tons of fluid one day and see if that makes the swelling go down. Joy
Dena S.
on 3/29/04 10:42 am - Tower, MN
for me it was 2 weeks liquid, then 1 week mush then start normal diet- make sure you get enough PROTEIN- that will keep you healthy! it took me 2 weeks to feel halfway normal- then I have felt better everyday- I know I am going to make it- and I love the weight loss- the food cravings get less and the worry gets easier- 1 day at a time- thats what I have been doing- I figure the positive changes will outweight the negatige ones- God Bless you all- and remember- we have a new life- a new chance- lets make it a good one!!!! Lots of Love! Dena (32 pounds gone as of 3 weeks!!!)
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