5 days out, need alot of help
Hi I am finally home had surgery on the 25th, went perfect till the next night, had major mucous problems and was throwing up, then had a staple open and had a major loss of blood (internally). it was horrible!
I can really lose alot of support has anyone had the samething to them happen, I am also still coughing alot which of couse is aggravating my pain from the stomache staples. Can anyone recommend anything besides cough syrup does not really help
I am somewhat regretting this send some support!
I dont know if this will hel*****t, but my mom gave me a stuffed bear. It may sound silly, but it worked better than a pillow, as it kind of curved around my body. It worked like this, when I coughed, I held it tight over my abdomen, and the pain was much less. I didn't feel like I was going to come apart as much. I also spent the first 2 days home sitting in a recliner. I could adjust it almost like the hospital bed, and when I needed to cough, I could kind of sit up to get the most out of the cough but not stretch too much like laying down. Good luck.
Sorry to hear you had some problems, I was lucky and everything went well. I did have a friend who had a lot of the same problems your having, she was advised to drink hot liquids, like unsweetened tea (you can use splenda) and that helped not only with the mucous but the cough as well. I have a lung disease and asthma so I got breathing treatments in the hospital, but I still had the coughing as well. My doctor gave us all a teddy bear to hold over our incision to help us when we coughed. It seemed to help better than the pillow. I hope things get better for you. I had my surgery on the 15th of March and after 2 weeks I am feeling great. Out walking a mile a day and loving it. You will get here too, you have just had a little set back. Give yourself time to heal and drink some hot stuff and you should do fine. God Bless and I will be praying for you.