Successful transition to New Pouch!

on 3/27/04 3:39 am - Golden Valley, AZ
I am proud and delighted to announce the birth of Bubbles, my Little Pouchling! She's mouthy and opinionated and totally detests anything cranberry I think with all the noise she makes that she may have like five of her friends hiding in there with her. Yesterday I was on the elevator in the hospital. There were three other people. Two were talking and then there was this other lady and myself. Bubbles was makin' so much racket that the ladys eyes got huge and she asked me if that was my stomach; when I said yes she asked me if I was gonna be alright. When I explained she looked as if I could have knocked her over with a feather! Funny how the explaination always seems worse than the actual surgery! Any how, I have a mouthy pouch and little to no appetite. I swear my hubby is gonna start looking behind my ears for the alien controlling me if I don't develope some interest in food! I told him that food is amazing and smells delicious and looks wonderful..... as long as it isn't in front of me. He's having a hard time wrapping his brain around that one! I used to live by when I could eat, I was ALWAYS either hungry or thinking about being hungry. Now? I could care less, can you hand me my bottle of water please? He is floored! He says that life is gonna be so different now! My incision is healing wonderfully. I was glued back together. My DH took great joy in the knowledge of that... must be a guy thing. Can you imagine if the docs used Duct Tape? Guys the world over would be flocking in to look at incisions of all types! I went in on Monday the 22nd and came out on Friday the 26th and that's only because I live so far from the hospital. So, I'm Ofishally in New Pouch City Limits and am eagerly awaiting the arrivial of all to come after me. Gayle Queen of Yarn Balls
Rob G.
on 3/27/04 3:49 am - Anacortes, WA
Sounds like you're doing great. Welcome home Caboose T-4
on 3/27/04 4:25 am - Mesa, AZ
Glad to hear you are going great, Gayle! I am a "glue" person too...the incision is healing beautifully! My little sweet P turned out to be a dumper on sugar over 10g or so (liquid tylenol) and doesn't care for milk, but she is a "quiet" little thing. Aren't you glad we are over the hard part? I keep pinching myself that this is real.
on 3/27/04 4:38 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Welcome home Gayle!!!! I was asking Kimmer if anyone had heard from you every time I called her all week. I think I am stitched (not glued), but I do have steri-tape over my incision, so I guess that qualifies as sort of duct tape. LOL. Hugs, Mo doin' a happier happy Mo dance today
on 3/27/04 5:32 am - IN
Here's to baby Bubbles, Gayle!! I think she is a smart girl not to like cranberry!! Sounds like she's got a good set of "lungs" on her too!! How wonderful for you that food doesn't hold the allure it once did!!! WELCOME HOME and glad to hear you are doing well, know your positive attitude helps!!!
Kimmer K.
on 3/27/04 5:43 am - Waterford, MI
Sounds like your "Bubbles" and my "Eeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaarl" could start a new alternative music group. Hey...wouldn't it be a hoot to walk in to a museum together...somewhere quiet...and have 'em start yammering? Sounds like you're doing great, Gayle! Welcome to Newpouch!! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
on 3/27/04 1:04 pm - Little Rock, AR
So good to see your smiling face again and to know that you and Bubbles are doing well and entertaining strangers on elevators! Joy
Dinka Doo
on 3/27/04 5:28 pm - Medford, OR
Gayle - you are way too hilarious! I love the name, btw. Mine is going to end up with a birth certificate saying "baby pouch Rudesheim" if I don't hurry up and name her! I'm also jealous you got Crazy glued together. I'm still battling these stinking staples! Dina
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