Hey, Joy! Add Red Lobster to the List
I never realized how much everyone I know eats in restaurants, and I'm still right there with them. You should see the stacks of To Go boxes in my fridge.
Red Lobster has a Lobster Bisque that normally comes in a bread bowl and is served as an appetizer. I asked them to stick it in a regular bowl instead of the bread and ate 1/2 of it for lunch. It sat really well and my tummy was happy.
Lord, tomorrow is Olive Garden. I have no idea how I'm going to get through that one.
My surgeon has us on an all protein diet for the first month. That's pretty much what determines what I order. I can't have carbs or vegetables yet. So far, fat hasn't bothered me. The Lobster Bisque is sort of a cheese soup with bits of lobster in it. Cheese equals fat.
As for how much to eat, the surgeon admonishes us not to measure, but to listen to our bodies and stop eating at the first signs of fullness. It's taking me awhile to get the hang of this. I have found that I can eat about 1/2 cup of soup, but more solid foods like tuna and turkey will fill me up much, much sooner. When I'm out in public, I usually don't push any limits and stop eating as soon as I'm no longer hungry.
Don't know if any of that helps.