How many are truely happy now?
Am I happy, well I would have to say no at this point. I can't really say that I regret the surgery, although I was saying that last weekend. I have had kinda a rough patch. I was feeling so good, so early I think I over did it and got run down a bit. I returned to work one week after surgery, and really started feeling great. But last Friday I had a horrible morning. I kept retching (nothing coming up) and I had terrible pressure in my abdominal area. I called my Dr. and he wanted me to go to the hospital for another swallow test. Might as well call in a puke test for me because I puked the first time after surgery, and I puked again last week. Anyway, the swallow test was fine, no leaks. My Dr. told me I was pushing to hard, slow down, go home and take some pain meds and rest. I followed his orders but right after taking the pain meds I broke into a sweat and got more pressure in my lower ab area. I started feeling worse. My Dr. was going out of town, so I call my brother-in-law who is also my PCP. He told me that Hydrocodone can turn on some people, and that I should discontinue its use. I think I must have gotten some stomach virus because I couldn't even hold down water that night, or most of Saturday. It was discouraging for me, as I didn't see this coming three weeks post op. Anyway, things have gotten better this week and I'm hoping I get back to feeling real good by next week. And then, I thnk I'll be happy.
Ken - do you think you went back to work too soon, and did you change your tune on that after that bout? I see a lot of people jumping right back into work and it concerns me because although the holes may have healed up there is a whole new way of eating and dealing with energy levels to face.
I can honestly say NO REGRETS!! I have never lost 28 lbs in 15 days and never would have without this surgery. Sometimes this is emotionally draining but as far as physically, before my pancreantitis I felt exceptionally wonderful. I have not exercised in over a week now and I need to get back into the swing of things. Yes, I still have head hunger but it sure does get better each day.
Right now, I have major Cabin Fever. Hubby and I are planning a weekend vacation at the beach in a couple weeks. I am so excited. Being in a new place for a little while is pretty comforting.
I am happy with my newself. I know things will only get better.
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler and Bertha
24 Days into NewPouch and feeling great!
-28 lbs!!!! Yayyyy
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!

Dina, I walked in the sunshine and warm air today. A walk like that 3 weeks ago would have left me totally winded and in terrible pain. I spent 45 minutes in the barn grooming one of my daughter's horses this afternoon. I haven't been out to the barn in over 6 months; two difficult to get out there. I eat what I'm supposed to and I am left feeling satisfied, not hungry, not desperate for something more, something sweeter, something better to fill this gaping hole in ... not my stomache, but my soul. I feel a new sense of contentment and well being as I wake every morning with a commitment to take charge of my health and my life. Happy? I don't know. Confident I did the right thing? You bet. Hopeful about the future? Haven't felt like this in 15 years. Thanks for asking this important question. God bless, Maureen
Aw, cheez...what a trip you had! But all's well that ends well, eh?
Personally, I blame your soon-to-be-ex-husband.
But that's just 'cuz I have one of them myself and I blame EVERYTHING on him (and he knows it and laughs 'bout it - we've always been on good terms). It only seems right. I mean, if I break a nail, I blame it on him. If I stub my toe walking, I blame it on him. If I can't sleep at nite, yup, his fault. If I don't get a package on the day I expected it to arrive, his fault.
I've said for years that I think everyone should have an ex- so they can blame all the evils of the world on them. Osama Bin Laden? His fault. Ozone thining? Yup...he did it. Sabre-tooth tigers and wooly mammoths now long extinct...oh, yeah...I KNOW he had something to do with that.
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles

Oh yeah - I had given them the credit cards one week earlier, so all the financial stuff would be taken care of before I went in. But the hospital decided not to run them through until the day of surgery.
My doctor's office demanded they send the admissions manager in to apologize to me for that one. Which she did.
The soon to be -ex actually has been very helpful to me, even though he completely disagrees with the surgery. So, I can't blame him at all for that. But I like your plan, Kimmers. Reality shows! They are all his fault.
I can definetly say I'm truly happy! In fact I haven't felt this great in years! If you read my profile I was a big time emotional eater and I really feared that it was going to be difficult giving up food. Maybe I assumed the worst, but things have been so much easier than I expected. Before surgery I would get mad cravings and since I always had the choice to "pig-out", I tried to talk myself out of it but too often I would give in. Now that I know I really can't eat bad foods I don't obsess anymore. Plus before surgery I used to feel "true hunger" from the bottom of my stomach-that part is now bypassed. Maybe I'm too soon out and haven't been truly tempted yet, but lots of people say the beginning of WLS is so hard and I really don't think it's been bad at all. I had no complications at all and have tolerated all my solid foods fine.
I'll keep taking this one day at a that my biggest obstacle of not binging has been lifted off my shoulders I'm feeling so much better about my future. So yes I would absolutley do it all over again tommorow even though I haven't lost much weight. Just being in control of my crazy "alcohol/drug dependency eating" alone is the best thing ever