Ding Dong - the Witch is home
I am home now and getting a bit stronger every day.
Started at 304
Pre-Op weight loss 11 pounds.
Weighed tonight for the first time and was 288.
Moving right along..
Protein shakes don't bother me, but getting the required amount of water in is very hard.
Also, yawning hurts.
Linda - The Resident Witch
Welcome back, Linda!!!
Are you drinking regular and/or bottled water, or are you using "flavored" waters like Propel, Pulse, Iced Botanicals, Fruit-2-0, etc.? The flavored waters are EASY to snarf down, sip on all day long. But if I was just doing this with regular water, I don't think I'd make my minimum...
And the BONUS...most of the flavored waters are vitamin enhanced, too. Pulse is my personal favorite, albeit the most costly. But they're 'spiked' with stuff like dandoline, chamomile, etc...good natural stuff. I had a bottle with me when I went to my surgeon the other day and both he and my nutritionist said they're gonna try it...they both liked the "ingredients".
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Dina's right...I always forget about the Sugarfree stuff like Crystal Lite, etc, 'cuz they use aspartame and I can't "do" aspartame. I hear SF Tang is MOST excellent... Pulse and Diet Iced Botanicals uses Splenda. Pulse has a website - pulsenutrition.com - that I used to print out "buy one, get one free" coupons from, but they also tell ya where they sell it in your area. Pulse is by far my favorite, followed by Diet Iced Botanicals.
Do you have Sams' Club in sunny CA? If so, they sell the cases of Propel, Diet Iced Botanicals and Fruit-2-0...I personally don't think they're very costly (they range from ~$9 to ~12 per case of 24 bottles - way less than $1/bottle), and I just keep re-stocking my refrigerator from my "holding area" in my computer room (aka ground-floor-bedroom/junk-room/computer-room/throw-anything-that-can-fit-in-it room) when the 'fridge starts getting low. It's just too easy to grab a bottle from the 'fridge 'n suck on it for a while...
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles