First Lunch Out With Friends
I think the thing that I will do when I eat out is just eat off my husband's plate. That is unless I can get a small portion of something without a problem. A salad bar is a good thing to eat off of because you can just build your own portion size.
It's easier to not order anything sometimes than explain why you aren't eating your dinner.
Dina -16
I wish we could order things of the senior menu. They seem to have healthier choices as opposed to the childrens. I guess we will just have to deal with the questioning faces until we get skinny and they shut up
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler and Bertha
23 Days into NewPouch and feeling great!
-28 lbs!!!! Yayyyy
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!

Cheez, talk 'bout PRESSURE! That's almost worse than our moms telling us we HAVE to clean our plates. What part of "I'm done, thank you" didn't they 'get'???
Ironically, I've rarely left a restaurant without a doggie bag in hand. My ex-husband always joked 'bout what a cheap date I was 'cuz I could never eat a lot at a single sitting, and I've yet to finish a meal at a restaurant, even pre-WLS. My (now estranged) fiancee always ended our order with "...oh, and you can bring a box - she never finishes her meal". Gotta love that man! I'm actually looking forward to eating out 'cuz then I'll HAVE 'real food' to keep, portion out and eat in the future days: I've always loved "left-overs" may go with living alone and not cooking unless I have company.
Nope, a doggie bag isn't gonna hurt my feelings - never has, never will.
AND...I forgot to get my "card" from my surgeon yesterday, but you can bet I'll use when I can. I'm probably different than most, but I have no shame in anyone knowing I've had WLS... I do, however, know from several friends' experience that some restaurants won't accept them. In that case, I'll leave with my revered doggy bag. But I think the reason some places won't accept them is due to the flood of WLS happening these days...those restaurant owners are probably losing their pants with us light-eaters!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles