How big is your pouch?

Dinka Doo
on 3/24/04 5:05 pm - Medford, OR
Okay - I need to hear a survey from everyone! I know my pouch is 4 oz, which is larger than many of you. So I am curious what kind of surgery you had and how big your surgeon made your pouch, if you don't mind! Also, if you don't mind, let us know if you are feeling satisfied when you eat or if you still feel like your mouth wants more.... Dina -16
on 3/24/04 5:52 pm - Mesa, AZ
I had Open RnY and was told it is just a little bigger than a shot glass about 2 ounces at this point. I think I have eaten 3 ounces though before feeling full, so either it is a little bigger, stretched a bit or partially empties as I eat.
Marla M.
on 3/24/04 8:57 pm - Hillsborough, NJ
IDI Bitty is 2 oz, and I am sure of that. I can eat 2 oz, and am full with 2 oz. If my meal is more on the liquidy side (ex - yogurt) I can get in about 2.5 oz. before being full. I have no desire for anymore after that. I had Lap RNY. mgm
Kimmer K.
on 3/24/04 9:08 pm - Waterford, MI
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaarl is the size of a small egg...however many ounces that is... I get the full feeling depending on what I eat. He's pretty finicky...but I must say, he's not as "mouthy" as he was at first. Even when I don't "feel" full, I stop eating. I have different kinds/sizes of "cups" "souffle bowls", etc., that I use, and when the food is gone, that's it 'til next time. I've now got to get in 6 small 'meals' per day. Heck, I was just getting used to THREE! I'm gonna feel like I'm eating all day long... Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
on 3/24/04 10:47 pm - Brazoria, TX
I had lap rny, and my shamrock is 2 ozs.. I am totally satisfied after I eat. I am still on full liquids for another week though. I am eating 2oz. every hour and sipping water all day long. Shannon The Irish Lassie 14.5 lbs. in 8 days
on 3/24/04 11:21 pm - Little Rock, AR
I'm eating 4 oz - 1 bite three times a day. I can and do drink more than that at a time, but the fluids don't stay in the pouch. Every time I eat that extra bite, I lose it . You would think I'd learn! The need to "clean up my plate" apparently is pretty strong! Amazingly, usually I just lose that last bite and then feel fine. Note to self: This is not going to be a good thing in a public place! Joy -23 lbs / 24 days
on 3/24/04 11:42 pm - Glendale, AZ
I'm still struggling with how much I can and cannot eat. My surgeon says my pouch is the size of my thumb. Well, that pouch can hold quite a bit or I'm chewing so well that I'm liquifying everything and it's sliding through. Dr. Blackstone does not keep you on a pureed food stage at all. You do one week of liquids and then you go right into what they call a soft protein stage. That just means that you chew the daylights out of chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, etc. I seem to be able to eat a lot of cottage cheese and yogurt, a whole container of yogurt and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Harder proteins like chicken and fish are a little tougher and I can't do more than 2 ounces. Lord knows I've tried. I haven't puked, but it would have been a relief if I had. Connie
Dinka Doo
on 3/25/04 2:42 am - Medford, OR
Amazing the differences, huh? Oh well - I suppose if it gets us to our goals and we are able to maintain on that, it doesn't really matter. I know soupy things go through very quickly for me too, so I really am trying to eat more solid foods that hang around long enough for me not to feel like I'm a bottomless pit. Dina -16
Bethany B.
on 3/25/04 3:09 am - Baltimore, MD
Dina. I believe mine is 3 oz but not very sure. The size of an egg. I know I can not eat past 3 oz Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler and Bertha 23 Days into NewPouch and feeling great! -28 lbs!!!! Yayyyy A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!
Virginia H
on 3/25/04 12:13 pm - Oklahoma City, OK
Dina, TAZ! is 2 ounces and shaped like a thumb with the junction at the bottom. I've had lots of trouble with much of anything food wise...I dumped last night after taking a single tums for a achy pouch...boy was he unhappy then!!! Weird though, about the only thing he tolerates well is tuna salad on saltines. Va
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