E-mail from my surgeon
Wow, Rob...what a kick in the keister...I was reading this thinking "...this sounds like something that would happen to ME...".
What do you want? What's your priority: getting it done quickly, or getting it done the way you'd planned...Lap, with it's advantages, and/or disadvantages (dependant on which way you see it - the "Pepsi/Coke" thing)?
I had my first surgical date delayed (was supposed to be January 28th), and I don't regret it. Too many BETTER things came out of the delay. The delay wasn't a biggie to me: I'm not in a hurry, this is a permanent change in my life, and even a couple of months delay didn't affect me. I've been overweight all my life...what's a little more time in the overall timespan of my life? I'm pretty patient with stuff like this (I've had to be...it always seems to happen to me...that's how you're taught to be patient, I believe), so it really didn't ruffle my feathers that badly. But I'm extremely pleased I went with the Lap. I mean, I was up and going FULL TILT three days later, and could've swung RTW if my surgeon had allowed (no way...my guy is picky 'bout that...). But, again, as I say, it's the "Pepsi/Coke" thing.
Caboose Man, I'm really sorry for your snafu. It'll work out whichever way you choose to go. AND...if you decide to wait 'til your original plans are able to be fulfilled, you'll REALLY be our Caboose...no competition!
Think it out, weigh the pros/cons, then go with your head, not your heart (yeah, easy to say with me sitting here post-op, right?).
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles

Thanks Kimmer,
I'm raising hell with the coordinator right now and still trying to pull this off lap if I can. However, the date is more important to me. I've got everything set at work and more importantly at home. My 17 year old will be on Spring break the week after my surgery so he was going to be there for me in the daytime to help out.
I've just sent an e-mail to my surgeon telling him I want him to sew (not staple) me shut. We'll see what he says.
In any event, I'm still on for 3/31.
Thanks for your support.
BUMMER - but all things happen for a reason.
I had Lap and was surprised at the level and duration of pain. When I asked my doc about it he said it's because I have all my weight concentrated in the middle, so with Lap, while it does reduce incision pain and chance for infection, there is so much more to push out of the way to do what he needed to do, that my stomach muscles are sore. It almost sounded like it would have been better to be open, but my doc recommends Lap for the other reasons.
Whatever you decide to do, we will be behind you! Oh wiat - you're the caboose - how can we be behind???

Rob, my LAP /RNY is also on the 31st and I can tell you that Open is not that bad, I had a AAA aneurysm repair last August and it was a big cut but not that bad. I think if I was doing open I would rather they sew my pouch as staple it though. Good luck with your surgery however it ends up. My incision was stapled and they were really no problem.