The riddler is back...maybe
Hi Marchers!! I just want to announce that the riddler is back...MAYBE. lol. Unless I go back in to the hospital tomorrow I should post a riddle.
Sally, thank you so much for keeping up with the riddles!! You give a lot better ones then I do. I really need to look up some hard ones for you all. I will post one tomorrow and if not then Sally...keep it up LOL.
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler and Bertha
22 Days into NewPouch and feeling great!
-28 lbs!!!! Yayyyy
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!

Bethany! I am so glad to see you back posting. I hope we get to keep you this time!
Do you know what they think is the problem? I heard they were considering a gallstone minus the gallbladder - have they done any diagnostics on your ducts yet? I can't imagine how sick and tired of the hospital you must be! But I'll keep you in my prayers that we get to keep you at home from here on out. Feel better!
Dina -16