Blah, Blah, Blah....
My disclaimer: I'm whining. I know some folks don't like us to come to the boards to whine, so if you happen to be one of these nice folks, I respect you enough to ask you to find another post to read - not this one.
Hi y'all. I'm now 9 days post-op and down 9 lbs (according to MY scale). I'm getting those post-op blues. I'm so convinced that I'm going to fail at this attempt at weight loss. I figure I've failed everything up until now, it would be just like me to fail at something else. I guess it just a case of the "poor-me's". My 1 yr old baby girl has been farmed out to my mom while I recover (although I feel great, still can't pick the pudge-a-wudge up!), and I miss her. I still see her during the day, but she's grown attached to my mom and I'm so afraid I'm losing that bond. I know it's crazy thinking, but it's tough not being able to mother her like I'm used to.
I started on pureed foods yesterday and nothing tastes good to me, and I'm hungry. I mean real stomach hunger - not head hunger. Yesterday I had 1 oz of scrambled egg, applesauce, cottage cheese w/ fruit, pureed tuna salad (gag!), along w/ liquids (including CIB). Today I've had CIB, Pintos and Cheese from Taco Bell (YUM!), now I'm sipping on a protein drink from Smoothie King. I'm just blah. I don't know what is wrong with me. I'm hungry, dammit!! It's like I almost want to "test" my pouch and go get a burger from Chili's and see if I've *really* been altered. Am I crazy or what???
Oh - speaking of crazy, I can't take my Prozac anymore. The capsules are too big, they taste terrible if I break them apart and put them in something, the liquid is vile. So - I went to my PCP and he put me on something similar that comes in a small tablet. Maybe that'll help my mood.
AND - my PCP told me to be careful because I COULD fail at this. OK - how's that for support? It really took my by surprise because he's a bariatric doctor and I thought he'd be happy for me and supportive. He told me that I could have gone on a liquid diet pre-op and still lost the 9 lbs - I didn't need to have surgery. I told him that now I have a tool that keeps me from cheating. I would have never been able to stay on a liquid diet pre-op.
See what I mean?? My emotions are all over the place. I need to "reign it in!".
Tomorrow is another day, and I'll eventually snap out of this.
Thanks for letting me vent - that's all I really needed to do.
Prozac Princess (can I still call myself that even though I'm on something else??)
"Crazy doesn't even begin to cover it!"
Love you guys!!

Whine away! Just remember when MY time comes...
Funny, I was sitting here reading and I'd be nodding my head and going "uh-huh....uh-huh....EEW! TUNA SLIME?!?....uh-huh..."
Don't have anything to offer ya 'cept a shoulder.
Or a keyboard and an email address. But we were ALL told to expect the Richter Scale your**** early. Big deal...whine away!
But...DON'T go 'n snarf down a burger yet. If in doubt, just lift up your shirt and look at your incision(s)...if that's not good enough, push on 'em a little bit. If that doesn't bring ya back to reality, I'm not sure anything will. The burger'll bring reality back like a slap to the noggin by a 2 X 4 when you have to go get scoped.
Don't go there...'ve won the title for Least Offensive Whining so far today. Don't sweat the little stuff (like whining).
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles

Thanks Kimmer! I think it's just a combo of hormones, lack of prozac, lack of comfort food, lack of sweet smelling smiling baby girl, etc.
I'll try to stay away from a burger, but I'm telling ya - I'm not going anywhere near tuna for a while!!
Thanks for your support - I'll be there for you when/if your time comes!
Well, think 'bout it: you're in a serious sensory crisis right now: taste, touch, smell...all taken from you (and replaced with slimey runny stuff...). A SAINT would be whining!
My 1st surgeon said he wouldn't operate me unless I was smoke-free for at LEAST 6 weeks. I'd been a 2.5 pk/day smoker for 29+ years. I told him "ah, hate to tell ya, but quitting will be more difficult than WLS...", but he didn't care. So I quit. Quit HIM, too, when I found out his 'center' was more money-oriented than I could afford. Found my Dr. Wonderful after I fired the 1st surgeon, and asked Dr. Wonderful if I could use my Nicotrol Inhalers after surgery. He didn't understand that I'd quit 4 months previously, and said "Absolutely. I'd never make anyone quit smoking AND eating at the same time!". I'm glad I quit, won't go back (God willing...and hold down the fort...) but that simple statement made me realize that he HAD A CLUE that we're human beings with flaws and 'warts' (as my Mom always sez), not just account numbers to him. 1st surgeon also wouldn't operate me unless my triglycerides/cholesterols were at a normal level (mine were DANGEROUSLY high)...we later found out (with my Dr. Wonderful) that my triglycerides (which started off at 733) and cholesterols would NEVER EVER AS LONG AS I LIVE be at a 'normal' level UNLESS I had RNY. Same impression: he KNEW what he was doing and recognized that I have a freaky 'system'. I'm more looking forward to that first round of labs than I was to my first weigh-in...wanna see how much my triglycerides/choles have dropped. I may just have to HUG that man if it's substantial!'re in sensory negative-overload. You're entitled to whine!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles

Wendy, you whine away hon. I've had the exact same pouch thoughts. "Maybe he really didn't do anything to me", or "Maybe mine is malfunctioning". Then I snap out of it and think 'would I prefer the retching, dumping and vomiting??" Heck no!
I don't keep a scale in my house and my doctor told me not to buy one so I'm completely in the dark as to my weight loss. I'm itchin' to know though. The only thing that convinces me that anything at all was done to me is my great big incision.
Keep hangin' in there and remember that by this time next year you'll be tellin' others who are in your shoes to do the same.

I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one with crazy thoughts. I actually told my hubby last night "Maybe I'm an medical experiment, and maybe they just cut me open and didn't really alter anything - you know, kind of like a placebo". He looked at me like I'd grown a horn or something. Hey - it could happen!! ;o)