Day3 of Exercise & Lovin it!!
O.K so I have a long ways to go but today was 3 days in a
row I have gone for a walk & todays ended up being an
hour & a half before I got back home. It was abeautiful A.m & I just kept going. I have also dropped 4 lbs since
I started walking so it just goes to show you that you have
to keep moving to keep the weight moving (dah) I knew
that just let the depression rule for awhile. Not anymore. I
am feeling better & will win this battle once and forall. I
start the new job on Tuesday & will still keep walking in the
Mornings as it is the coolest part of the day out here in AZ.
Take care & Thanks for all the good thoughts during my
down time. It got me through, again!!
Marilyn, the Bearlady
Marilyn, I am moving into the 4th week of recovering from a fractured knee and torn maniscus; I am still in a leg brace and am only now just beginning to be able to bear some weight on my leg. I can't tell you how much I miss my workouts and I will NEVER take movement for granted again. You walk, girlfriend. Walk hard and often because every time you do, you are giving yourself the greatest gift there is. Take care, Reenie
HI Reenie
I actaully just got back from day #5 & low & behold I also
have dropped 5 lbs since I started walking. I had to get
back to committment to some kind of exercise everyday.
Since I could not afford the gym anymore, the only thing
I had available was my legs, so I started walking & yes I
actually enjoy it!!!! I start the new job on Tuesday & I will
still be up early & out walking before I have to go into work. This is a new commitment to ME that I plan to keep
going. This weignt has got to start going in the right direction. I can do this & will fight again to get to my original goal. Take care on that kneww & hope you are back moving again, soon. LOL
Marilyn, the Bearlady