Mary La Furno
I just spoke to Richy on the phone. He was with Mary. She is doing all that she is supposed to be doing. She was sitting up in the chair and has been walking the halls. had a problem regulating her pain earlier this morning when I called her so I did not speak long. He has asked they change from morphine to something else.
SOOOOOO good to see ya back! I missed you!
That Evil Morphine got me, too: made me nauseous 24/7, even shots of phenergan every 3 hours didn't help. I was fine once they d/c'ed the morphine, and was in very little pain at that. It was strange, too, 'cuz I'd never had a problem with it before. My surgeon walked into my room just before they d/c'ed it and laughed and said "You'd make a lousy drug addict!" (Just gotta love that man!) This was when my best friend and constant companion was the emesis basin that seemed to be attached to my hand via invisible sutures. Never DID hurl, but sure tried for about a day straight.
Give Mary my love...tell her it only gets better from here!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles