Whitney Hixenbaugh

Virginia H
on 3/23/04 6:39 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Hey all, I just talked to Eddie, Whitney's husband, and she's out of surgery, but still in recovery. The Doc told Eddie, that the surgery went exactly as planned, the time was right at an hour in OR. I told Eddie I'd be calling back later this evening to see how she's doing. another Marcher in NewPouch Happy thoughts, Va 20 Sunrises in NewPouch Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire My Angels ==> Whitney Lori My Angelettes ==> Whitney H & Lori A
Kimmer K.
on 3/23/04 6:53 am - Waterford, MI
ALRIGHTA!!! I've been waiting for THIS report all day! Yee-haa! Whit's in Newpouch! (Aw heck! Gotta gather up those dancing penguins and find her..........) Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
on 3/23/04 7:36 am - Myrtle Beach, SC
Hi, you guys just crack me up!! How did you get such wonderful titles?? I love it. Sure hope nothing happens to change my date so that I can remain a part of this great group.
Kimmer K.
on 3/23/04 8:18 am - Waterford, MI
Mary Sue -- Too late. You're a Marcher. As our beloved Mo (who's even at this very moment probably walking the halls in the hospital after her Open RNY yesterday...go, Mo', go! ) so poignantly spelled it out it a while back "Being a Marcher is not a date on a calendar, it's a state of being". Doesn't matter if your date changes...once a Marcher, always a Marcher! We're kinda all connected to the same umbilical cord or upper colon or sumpin'... The titles just came about. Some were appointed, some were self-appointed. It started way before March began, when some of us Marcher Founding Muthas ('n Fathers) started hanging out together and getting 'close'. Then all of a sudden it just took off! And shazzam! Dis iz where we now iz!! ('N we likes it...we likes it a LOT!!). Some folk didn't like the silliness, but I don't think they understood that it was a bunch of pre-ops blowing off steam and laughing in the face of the unknown. The way I saw it, it beat the alternative of crying, losing sleep and developing bleeding ulcers from the stress and worry. As a result, some have left, but the rest of us remain insane to this date. Hang tight. Right now is a sort of transitionary period since we're all doing the trek to Newpouch. I'm thinkin' that round 'bout mid-April, we'll probably get past all this nail-biting and round-the-clock praying and back to monkey business and unabandoned silliness. But right now we're in a more serious mode 'cuz our Marchers are getting re-plumbed, and a few have had some trubbles. This is a pretty pensive time for us all, but this, too, shall pass. We're not going anywhere. And neither are YOU now...date be damned!! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Eve N.
on 3/23/04 6:57 am
Really glad to hear she's doing well, Virginia! Thanks for letting us know!
Betty S.
on 3/23/04 7:31 am - Fountain City, WI
YIPEE So happy to hear Whitney is on the losing side.
Marcie F.
on 3/23/04 9:32 am - Anderson, IN
Yea for Whitney! I'll continue to pray that her recovery goes as well as her surgery. Hugs, -Marcie
on 3/23/04 9:39 am - Brazoria, TX
Thxs for the update Va, I am glad that she is doing well...please let us know more later. Shannon The Irish Lassie
on 3/23/04 5:37 pm - Menomonee Falls, WI
Yippee So glad Whitney's OK and one of our newest citizens of Newpouch. Karen L
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