Oh Yvette -- I sure wouldn't wonder about whether you are doing things right. The last three days I have been on a plateau and I had surgery on March 8th as well. But every time I see that number remaining the same I remind myself that I am eating 300-500 calories A DAY! There is no way I'm gaining....the only direction for that scale to go is down....and whether I lose my weight in a year or two years -- who cares!!! The fact is it is going and it WILL go -- fast or slow.
If you are having trouble getting in your water though, make sure to drink up. It is a biological fact that your body requires water to metabolize fat. Evaluate where your calories are coming from and if your carbs out rank your protein -- make that change as well -- Protein lasts longer in our bodies and is much better while losing weight than carbs.
But no matter what -- you are losing! That's what is important!
So do the happy
and thank God that you are that much slimmer than you were 15 days ago!!!
Lissa in Washington

Hey, it's a big loss! And it's gone forever! Just check in with the vitals -- are you walking and/or exercising yet, and often and at a good clip (listen to your body for those cues, of course). I say anything over 15 pounds the 1st 2 weeks is extremely excellent and you need to pause to congratulate yourself and then...just keep lookin' forward, no more lookin' back! Good for you. Maureen