Mo' Good News!!
Well, our dancin' gal, Mo', just called 'n we gabbed for QUITE a while! They'd come to get her to go for a stroll, otherwise we'd probably STILL be yammering!
She's doing ABSOLUTELY GREAT! She sounds chipper, and said all is well with her procedure (she had an Open RNY)...kinda sore, which is to be expected, and she's using that morphine pump like a trooper!
I DID want to bring something to light, tho...she's in a semi-private (a very small semi-private), and has a VERY ill woman in the bed next to her (in fact, she very covertly said " remember what Sally said 'bout hers..."). So it sounds like our Mo' sure could use an extra dose of prayer, as could the woman next to her. Hey, I'm being selfish here...I want Mo's hospitalization to be as good an experience as possible, so I'm asking that all our Marcher Prayer Warriors get ON it, that Mo' be non-affected by the immediate environment, and that all goes well for BOTH of them.
Anyway, it was just beyond description being able to talk to her at length like that.
I've come to deeply love so many Marchers, and I feel like Mo' is a long-lost sister, newly re-united (as I feel with many of 'us'), and it was MY blessing to day to have been able to talk with her! I'm so blessed!!
So...Mo's doing GREAT, but pleeze pray for some semblance of order in her room for best healing purposes possible. ALSO -- just an FYI, she's at Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC) and the address there is on her surgical page if anyone's interested. The phone there is 410.546.6400, and she's in room 5521-D.
I'm gonna do some happy dancin' for Mo' 'til she's up to taking it back over again her own self with those happy dancin' Mo feets (which, from the sound of it, will be soon!).
Yeah, MO!!!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles

In all my excitement, I forgot the MOST important part:
Mo' said to tell you that she loves and misses us!
MEA CULPA!!! I CAN't believe I forgot that!!
(Still dancin' 'til Mo' can take it back over with her famous dancin' feets!)
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles