on 3/23/04 2:24 am - Wayland, MA
Dont read this if you dont wanna hear complaints. I am even more pissed at myself now. I have to go thru ALL the pre-op crap all over again! I have to have another psych eval, which who knows when that appt is gonna happen. The report from the looney dr took 6 weeks to get to the surgeons office last time. Who knows how long its gonna take now. My surgeon also wants me to lose 25lbs THIS MONTH! Unless there are reasons beyond your control, dont back out of this surgery at the last minute. Its so depressing. It seems like everytime somethign GOOD happens to me, I sabotage myself. ::kicking self in the butt::
on 3/23/04 2:31 am - Little Rock, AR
Jessica--you will get through this. You had a drug reaction. THAT WAS OUT OF YOUR CONTROL! Somehow this will work out for the best. Hang in there... Joy
on 3/23/04 2:44 am - Wayland, MA
The surgeon didnt see it that way tho. ::rolling my eyes:: Im trying to hang in there... grrrr. Im just frustrated that I was THISCLOSE. ::inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale:: lol
Kimmer K.
on 3/23/04 3:24 am - Waterford, MI
Jessica... I had to re-do SOME of my pre-ops, but that's because too much time had passed for them to consider them 'current'. Whatever. It actually worked out better for me 'cuz it was on the repeat bloodwork that we figured out my cholesterols would NEVER be at a normal level UNLESS I had the RNY. But that was my experience... My ins. co. wouldn't have paid for a repeat psych test (and $700+ was NOT something I'd've been able to just take out of my change jar for an unnecessary repeat eval). It's just not "allowed" per my coverage. Better check out your coverage (I've found out a LOT about ins. as a result of this WLS) and see if it's even covered. If it's NOT, then there's no reason why he can't accept your psych eval from the first time. I mean, it's not like you've turned into a raving psychotic since you last took it (altho, on second thot, after the aggrevation we endure, it COULD happen! ), and I don't think the 'disciplines' they're looking for in the psych eval could have changed that drastically. IMHO, I personally see NO point to repeating THIS test. As for the losing weight...I can't help ya there. I wasn't required to lose anything pre-op, and if they'd've told me to, I'd've very diplomatically explained to them that if I COULD lose weight like that, chances are I wouldn't be CONSIDERING this frickin' surgery. But again, that's me... Hang in there, Jessica. I had "one butt-cheek on the operating table" when God threw a speedbump in on MY process, too. It turned out working out MUCH better, and if not for that speedbump, I have to question if I'd be doing as well as I am. I'm prayin' for ya 'cuz I KNOW how annoying this kind of stuff is......hang on, and vent ANY time you need to. I'm standing by with the fire extinguishers! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
on 3/23/04 4:35 am - Wayland, MA
I should call insurance and see if they will pay for a re-evaluation. Im not crazy, I swear ::twitch:: I didnt have a written test.. I had to talk to a psychiatrist instead. Im on Medicaid and it would seem like SUCH a waste of money IMO. But yea, if it was so easy for me to lose weight WLS wouldnt even be an option. Short of starvation I dont know HOW Im gonna lose 25lbs by 4/27. I guess I could give Atkins or South Beach a try.. but Im Italian, I was eating pasta in the WOMB. lol. What happened to you before surgery?
Kimmer K.
on 3/23/04 5:20 am - Waterford, MI
LONG story...grab a bottle of water... I'd gone to one of those bariatric centers (what I now fondly refer to as a "Stepford Wife Processing Center" ) that advertise on TV - Someone I Know had theirs done there, so I just went there knowing their WLS was a success, I didn't research anyone else. I don't knock the facility, but it became VERY evident to me VERY quickly that their main interest was MONEY...but many great success stories have come from there, so again, I'm not 'knocking' them. They've helped hundreds of MO folks, but I like the one-on-one I have with my surgeon/staff (bariatrics is not his only practice, but only 40% of it: he's a general surgeon). I had my consult with the Stepford Surgeon last August. Walked in with a bunch of tests I'd had done in the past year, so I already had their requirements half done. They gave me a list of the rest that I needed, and I was scheduled for a Lap RNY on January 28 pending insurance approval (I was approved right off the bat). Went the next day to my PCP who completed the rest of the labs, and I was on my way! Well, the Friday before the PATs that THEY required me to have on site, the surgeon's PA called me (at 4:45 p.m. on a Friday afternoon - convenient, eh?) This was in early January. He "just wanted to make sure" I knew that their Stepford Wife Center and surgeon weren't "in network" for my insurance, and as a result, I'd only be covered at 70%, and I'd have to pay the rest cash (I later found out from my ins. co. that I wouldn't be required to pay them any more than my 'catastrophic limit', which was STILL unattainable at $10,500). Ah, no...I was NOT aware of this, and BTW, why didn't your crafty insurance people catch this back in SEPTEMBER when they were processing my claim?!?!? That's the "speedbump" I referred to. So over that weekend, I hit the internet and researched...a total of 28 hours in 2 days. I DID my homework then!! And that's how I found Dr. Wonderful (Alfred Schneider) and the Palace Of Life (St. Joe's Macomb Hospital). Since I was already approved, they scheduled an appointment the next week, but I still required me to go to their seminar (glad I did...learned so much): seminar was on a Monday nite, my consult was their first appointment the next morning, and I was immediately scheduled for Lap RNY on March 9th with my new GREAT team. Because there'd been a lag in time, they wanted me to have fresh bloodwork, EKG and pulmonary functions - heck, I didn't mind that 'cuz it was reasonable, just don't make me jump thru ALL the hoops I'd jumped, jumped again, and re-jumped! Well, on my first round of labs in August, my PCP found my triglycerides to be 733 (my 'new' surgeon saw this and laughed and said "Wow...impressive!"), and the rest of my cholesterols were off the charts (I don't remember the resultant values). PCP IMMEDIATELY put me on major meds in August to reduce 'em. On the second set of labs (6 months later), my triglycerides had ONLY dropped to 595 despite the thermonuclear medicinal warfare I'd been taking for the previous 6 months, thus proving that my metabolism would NEVER be able to keep 'em at a normal level, and my PCP told me that when I'd made the decision to have WLS, it was for valid purposes (to reduce the fibromyalgia symptoms that would otherwise end my working life in medical retirement/disability), but now it'd become a "life-saving" surgery as I'd've probably had a stroke within the next few years due to the cholesterols, etc. He said "when you decided to have this surgery, we never even realized what a wise decision you'd made at that point". When he told me this, I could feel my ears tingling (a sure sign I'm gonna pass out) 'cuz I would NOT be a "good" stoke victim: my friend told me "if you were paralyzed, you'd've probably figured out how to hook a bedpan on your big toe and fling it at someone...I can just SEE you doing it...". WLS suddenly went from controlling my fibro problems to a life-saving intervention. Wow...talk 'bout dodging the bullet! Well, the March 9th surgery was the keeper, and my primary reason for the surgery has already proven true: I've been fibro PAIN FREE since I got home on March 11th - the longest I've been out of pain for at LEAST 5 years now! I feel like a whole new person, and am determined that I'm STAYING this way, God willing. So that's my sad, sad story. But it turned out to be the BEST thing that could've happened to me. Now, beyond a doubt, that one 'Scoffer' in my life who thought I didn't need this surgery can't deny the necessity because of the repeat labs proving how whacked my metabolism was (not that their opinion means a hill of beans to me...it sort of did at first, but eventually didn't, and now never will...they've always had serious "issues", as everyone that knows 'them' realizes.). PLUS - I'm an actual PERSON of interest to my surgeon: I mean, my surgeon personally dials his phone and calls me to see how I'm doing, I LOVE him and his humor, the facility was top notch...and on top of it, had I kept that Jan. 28th original surgical date, I probably wouldn't have had it anyway: a snowstorm hit that morning and I couldn't have gotten to the hospital!! Romans 8:28 for sure: "We know that ALL things work together for good for those who love The Lord and are called according to His purpose". It so-o-o-o-o worked out for the BEST for me. Stay tuned: I'm sure post-op you'll have 20/20 hindsight and find some things that worked out better because of YOUR delay, too. Sometimes ya just have to LOOK for 'em! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
on 3/23/04 3:30 am - Mesa, AZ
Poor Angel! Let your Angel/Fairy hold your hand and let's have some tea. I am drinking some soothing plum tea right now that is sooo nice. Unless you are 100% set on using that surgeon, and have to go through all the pre-testing anyway, maybe you should change surgeons....hmm? If you don't want to do that, then just use the time to start getting your body ready from all the tips and advice YOU already know....and get ahead start...if you lose 25 lbs you won't be very far behind any of us.... Now take another sip.
on 3/23/04 4:39 am - Wayland, MA
MMm I love tea, never had plum, is it good? I really like my surgeon. I trust his hands.. he's done over a hundred and lost one very sick patient. Ill try to think positively and just think of it as another bump in the road. Its just the waiting game I hate the most. Yanno, Sally, youre right... I wont be far behind yall. I will use the tips Ive learned here to lose the 25lbs, which btw he YELLED that I had to lose from across the hallway.. ::rolling eyes:: Thanks (((hugs))))
on 3/23/04 4:08 am - Tuttle, OK
It's okay to vent and to have a horrible day, I'm having one of the crappiest days ever!!!! I'm about to blow up... trying to get caught up at work before Friday is kickin my @$$!!! and that's putting it lightly... not to mention the bizillion mistakes my supervisor is finding that my co-worker made and having me fix them because she's not here today... I'm seriously considering going outside and punching a tree... (poor tree, I won't do it, but it sure is tempting)... and on top of all that I've been on a 3 week full liquid diet (this is week three) and absoultly NO cheating is allowed this week... I wasn't given a set amount to loose before surgery, but I've already lost 20 pounds... but boy am I testy today... I'd love to eat like crazy and I'd LOVE to have a cigerette (which I gave up 4 months ago)... I know it's not easy to hear believe me... but it will get better... Baby Lori My Whitney & VA ~~~my Whitney is in Surgery right now!!! My angeletts ~~> Whitney & VA (I have the best s ever!) 7 days and a wake up
on 3/23/04 5:57 pm - Menomonee Falls, WI
Hang in there hunnies. It will get better. Keep up :inhaling: :exhaling: Thinking of you both. Karen L
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