Trouble breathing
First off, don't worry, I've already been to the emergency room.
I just made an appointment to see my doctor again today. You guys are so great, I feel I must lead with that or you'll get a team of people over here dragging me out the door even though I'm in CA.
I'm just sort of looking for context here to see if anyone else is having this experience.
I am mildly asthmatic, which means I really don't have to deal with my asthma unless I get an upper respiratory infection. Due to luck and a flu shot, I didn't have flu or bronchitis this year, so I had no inhalers in the house when I went into surgery.
After surgery, I coughed up old blood and mucus and and noticed that I really couldn't get the breath meter in the hospital up very far. My hospital sends around a respiratory therapist and they didn't seem to find any of this alarming. They felt it was agitation from the breathing tube I had had and I did all the walking, deep breathing and so on that they recommended.
After I went home I developed a bladder and kidney infection and my chest never felt quite easy. As I came to the end of the infection, a small cough became more overwhelming and there was a tightness in my chest. I've read elsewhere that coughing can interrupt healing, so I went in to my surgeon and he wanted me to see my internist, so I went right over there. (when you have breathing problems, they get off their rears and fit you in, I found that out!)
After an EKG right on the spot, which was fine, my internist told me she could just never face my children unless she looked for a pulmonary embolism. My left leg is swollen because of a pre-surgery accident but it was one sign too many and she couldn't ignore it. She sent me over to the ER (it was after hours by then) for a pulmonary CT-Scan, which did not show an embolism.
She prescribed inhalers, both Advair and an emergency one. I do feel a lot of relief after using the emergency one. However, the tightness and inability to catch my breath became more acute over the weekend. I'm very aware of it when I talk, even now. The only thing that gives me constant relief are surgerless Hall's cough drops. They aren't too bad.
I have no choice because of the state of my business to do the major trade show in my industry this week. Fortunately it is here where I live and, even so, I have taken a hotel room right there so I can lie down periodically or get out of the fray. I have cut back my schedule enormously, with the help of my business partner who is solicitous and supportive. I've canceled most of today to see the doctor. I'm worried because I *do* have to talk to lead my company! I can't just sit there with Disney and keep my mouth shut. (Mickey wouldn't like it.)
Anyone else have thoughts on self care measures that could ease my symptoms? I have watched VA's posts carefully. I do not have the pain she had that indicated fluid in the lungs. (Again, keeping you folks from breaking out the Saint Bernards and the sleds).

Just my opinion, but I would ask for a steroid shot and a round of antibiotics. There is a tremendous amount of bronchitis and pneumonia going around and you are very vulnerable.
The steroid shot will make you feel amazing--don't overdo because of that. Pick the 20% of activities that will give you 80% of the results and settle with that.
According to the Doc's the pain in my back was the pleural effusion, the tightness in my chest (around the heart area) was my pnuemonia.
Do you have a nebulizer? If not you probably need one. They are much more effective than the rescue inhalers. The treatments make me a bit jittery for about 30 minutes after, but the effects (breathing easier and deeper) last much longer.
I assume they did a chest X-ray which would show any pnuemonia...Do you rattle or wheeze when you lie down?
Have you seen a Pulmonologist? If not I'd ask for an appointment...something just doesn't sound right here.
Sending positive thoughts your way...
Gano, Va is right. I would not only see a pulmo, but I'd also request a nebulizer. There are a couple of different meds that can be used in them to control wheezing. Albuterol and Xopenex are the ones I know of. Xopenex is what my kids use -- it lasts 6-8 hours, leaves you less jittery, and your heart doesn't race.
And maybe a short-term course of prednisone might help -- if your stomach can tolerate it.
Sorry to break the thread here...
VA! You're home! How are you doing???