Open vs Lap
I will be having my surgery on Tuesday of next week. What amount of time will I be out of commission? My surgery will be done open; insurance will only pay for open. Also can someone compare the pain level? Also is their some advice you would like to share with me that may help along the way that you wish you had done at this stage. I have no doubt things will go well. But it's still nice to hear from the WLS family at this stage. A litttlllleeee nervous.
Every surgeon's pain control is handled differently. I had OPEN and it took approx an surgeon puts a medicine ball with leads right into the incision in a belly bag right over the belly binder that is over the pain patch over the incision. I NEVER felt any pain from the site except for tenderness if you pushed it.
I had no pain medication needed when I left, and felt good having OPEN.
I do have a high pain threshhold, so of course all people are different too. But I thought her method made good sense...ask about that when you are talking with her before surgery.
By the way, my incision is only 3.5 inches long it isn't a stem to stern type of thing.
I had open with an epidural for post op pain--it was great and I was up and walking quickly and easily. I took a couple of pain pills after they took off the epidural, but by the second week was moving around well. Since no one has had both procedures it is really hard to compare. You don't get the gas with an open procedure. Individual healing times seem to vary more than the difference between open and lap. You will do fine.
Dear Mary;
I understand your nervousness. I had my surgery on March the 11th and it was open also. I am planning to go back to work next Monday (slightly over 2 weeks from surgery date). I have a rather sedintary job however, so that allows me to go back at it. If I had a physically demanding job then my doctor said it would have to be a minimum of 6 weeks. I would discuss this issue with your doctor.
As to pain, my pain was minimal considering the procedure that was done. Use your pain meds as the doctor prescribes them. Get up and WALK WALK WALK. That will help you both physically and mentally. I've had 2 cesareans and I found the pain comparable. Also the way in which I have handled sleeping and walking, etc. has been similar to the cesareans.
The most important advice I could give you is to listen to your doctor and follow the food rules when you're done. Get the vitamins and protein into your diet as you are instructed. Also, make sure you have help and don't try to do it all by yourself. If not for my family and our church family, I don't know how I could have done this.
I take it back...the most important advice I could give you is to think positive, envision "the other side" and at those moments when you think "why did I do this, am I crazy" remember that the losing side is a heck of a lot more exciting and healthy than the other!
Good luck to you and God Bless,

Well, mine was lap and, while bearalbe, it was not painless. None of the 6 incisions hurt. For me it was a pain on the left side and my stomach muscles were sore. Doc said that was because I am short and carry all my weight in the middle, so it was much more mass to get through. Surgery took 4 hours. Left the hospital waliking bent over with a stuffed dog held against my side and middle. Yesterday - 1 week out - was the 1st day I actually stood up straight. Still have a "twinge" of soreness on the left side if I move to quickly and twist wrong. Tried to sleep in my bed last night and had a hard night - not necessarily painfull, just uncomfortable. My job allows my to be out for awhile, so I'm taking 4 weeks, while my doc has said some go back in 2 if they have a sedentary job.
-11 / 8 days
I had open. When I went into recovery I was hurting until the Demoral through the pump starting working. Then I had soreness. I only hit the pump when I knew I had to move at first. And now I take it just before I walk. I am a week post op today. I am tkaing the 6 weeks off. Althought my work is sort dedimentary I am up and down a lot and would rather take it easy and be better for it later.
I had open and had virtually little or no pain. I was off the morphine pump the 2nd day in my room and just taking oxycodone liquid. I have been home 11 days now and am walking fine, sleeping fine and everything. I do get a little worn out when I go out and walk around but other than that Im doing great!
Open RNY 3-9-04
-33 pounds