Hello All...Surgery Wednesday, 3/24/04
Hello Everyone....
I'm new at working this board so bear with me...lol...I was approved on Thursday 3/18/04 for the duodenal switch...I received an email from my nurse today that they had a cancellation this Thursday....So I'm going to have it....I am soooooooo excited but at the same time very nervous and afraid of the unknown....I wasn't going to be scheduled until late April or ealy May...so this came as a surprise to me...I think it's actually better this way because I don't have to count down weeks and days and minutes.....Please keep me in your prayers for Thursday...and when I get the hang of this board I look forward to getting to know all of you...Good luck to all....to our new healthy life...
Eve N.
on 3/22/04 11:21 pm
on 3/22/04 11:21 pm
Welcome Mary! We're glad to have you here. If you have any technical questions, there are a lot of experts here to help out.
I think you're right, getting the phone call that your surgery will be THIS WEEK probably is better than playing the waiting game for months or weeks.
I will be sending good thoughts your way on Thursday!
Hi Mary, Don't you feel lucky?! I did when something similar happened to me. I was approved on 2-20-04, and my surgeon was giving me a date in April, he left the office and came right back in to tell me that he had a cancellation on 3-8-04 and he wanted to know if I wanted that date? Heck yeah! I thought the same as you, I wanted to get going and save that extra month of gitters.
I took it as a really good omen, it was like it was meant to be. My surgery was 3-8 and everything went perfect... I know it will be the same for you. Good luck and take care!