update on Carrie
I went to the hospital today and saw Carrie, She did not look to well she looked weak.
Please all pray
double time tonight. She is still on the I-V and liquid ice only. She really could use your prayers. I took her some sugar free popsicles I hope she can have one soon. I gave her all the post you all posted she was happy to get them. She is depressed
to be in the hospital. Well I did get my walks
for the day After I saw Carrie I saw Amber, Then I had to see Dr. Steward, After that I took my grandkids to the Park then to the zoo so I am very tired tonight I will try to get more infomation tomrrow. Oh then we traveled all the way back to Wichita. Sarah T.

Kathy C.
on 3/22/04 9:24 am - Someplace, MI
on 3/22/04 9:24 am - Someplace, MI
You're a Saint Sarah.. thank you so very much for keeping us up to date. Please tell Carrie we are all praying for her and thinking about her...
Offishal Marchers Cheerleader Captain
Flatulence Monitor
Angel to the Queen
"It's time to throw down the pom poms and get into the game!"