Back at work already
I'm 11 days post-op and I had to go back to work today. I made it through the first 5 1/2 hrs. and then I had to leave early. I was so tired!!! My surgery was RNY lap and the recovery time is short, but I really wish I could have taken another week off. Instead I'll just work 5-8 hrs./day...whatever I can handle for the rest of the week. My boss is great, she'd let me take off another week, but since no one else in the dept. is trained to do my job, I had told her I would only take off til the 22nd....and here it is already.
One good thing is that the people who knoew about my surgery said they could really notice the weight loss and said I looked real good. Hearing that really helps. The surgery is so much to go through, but so well worth it when you start reaping the rewards. PS. I made it up the stairs without stopping to catch my breath. Yeah!
It's funny, when you're at home post-op, you're in your own little world; eating, drinking and living Gastric Bypass. Then you're back at work, back in the same old grind, the same old tasks, nothing has changed in that world. But you, yourself, you're totally different. You're metamorphisizing like a butterfly. Maybe after I lose enough weight I'll have enough self-esteem and courage to find another job. I'll have to list that as one of my goals.
Thanks for listening Marchers. You're great
Karen L.
-18lbs/11 days

Boy Karen - that really bites the big one. I still do not understand how some folks are able to go back to work so early. Just like you are dealing with now, most are bound to have a lag in energy, regardless if you went lap or open. For me, I am still not really able to drive (though I tested those waters today with a short trip to the store) after the open rny a day before you. I just feel so tired and need to nap so often, I couldn't be certain I would be able to hold out for a whole shift (I work 10 hour shifts). Not only that, but reaching and lifting those large heavy manuals we have would be too much of a strain.
I feel for you - wish you could have taken off more time.
Dina - Open RNY 3/10/04
338 / 325 / 313 / 150