Thanks for Your Positive Thoughts
Dear friends, thank you so much for the wonderful words of inspiration you sent my way via a response to my earlier post. I feel better, stayed on track with the exercise and did my liquid diet thing. The bottom line is, as a 2 week post-op, I am missing food! The first week was so much easier because I had absolutely no interest in food whatsoever. I have been very fortunate with not even a hint of nausea or vomitting, and this week hunger has returned. Whether or not it is head-hunger, it feels and looks like hunger to me! I remain focused on the journey and I just wanted to thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to send me a note of encouragement. Are there any other newly post-opers having these feelings? Thanks again. Best, Maureen
At first I didn't get what you meant..."missing food?" what? she had a food burglar? LOL Then I thought couldn't get it all in and missing your mark....but ohhhhh I get it now....
My hunger for a good "taste" has returned. My taster is whacky right now and even water isn't as satisfying...but since I got on track and gave up dairy and found other protein sources...I am satisfied just when something has good flavor and seems like a little stronger than even before...I had a very soft egg today with a little fat free cheese and it was heaven...very satisfying.
I found some junior baby foods in microwavable containers...6 ozs so make 2-3 meals of some tasty little stews with chicken and turkey...and having some fun with this...the only thing I coveted so far was some frozen strawberries that had too much sugar, so I threw a couple dried off ones into a shake and got that taste taken care of...use this new found time like a little hobby and find some "new" tastes that you CAN have with no guilt at all.