Mo Higgins' DH just called me: Mo did GREAT!! He said her surgeon "...is jazzed and walking on air..." that it went so very well for our gal. It'll be about an hour before her DH can see her, and he sounded great, too!
Gotta go...gotta gather up all those hyper dancin' penguins to meet our new arrivals at the Newpouch City Limits!!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles

Kimmer, mine friend,
Thank you for the update on our Mo. I am extremely happy, by go****hink a tear or two just fell. The happy tear for sure. I will Thank and Praise the Lord for Mo's excellent surgery.
Love ya girl,
Betty the every thankful prayer warrior.
P.S. Where did all these penguins come from?
Betty doing the happy 

for Mo

Yeah, Judgetress... I wuz jus' THRILLDED when he callded me, too...almos' jump'd tru da phone. I gots to admit, tho, dat I tole him to make shur he gived my Mo Fiend a BIG but gentle hug 'n a kiss on da cheek 'n tell her dat we's prayin' fer her 'n I loves her...I wuz just too 'cited dat he callded ta let me know, ya know?
Dem pesky penguins is runnin' EBBRYware rite now. Dey's not very disCEEpl'nd, if'n I do say so. I tinks itz jus' da nate-shur o' da penguins...
I falled in love wit 'em da first time I seed "Mary Poppins" which wuzn't 'til I wuz an adult 'cuz win I wuz a kid, Queen Mum wouldn't take me to da moovee TEEater to see it. I wuz hart-broked. But her 'n my Poppa buyed me da complete musical score fer it insted ('cuz Poppa was Russian 'n boy, din't he jus' LOVE music...) along wit sum Mary Poppins books. I knowed EBBERY song 'n verse but ne'er did see da movie 'til I was all growed up 'n it wuz on TV. When I first seed it, I seed it wit my oldest niece, 'n I tink she thunk I was
...I wuz jus' a'singin' along, happy as tho I wuz a li'l kid agin. But when dem penguins made dair "Day-BU" durin' "Jolly Holiday" as dancin' penguin waiters, I falled in love wit 'em, laffed 'n giggled 'n nows I love dancin' penguins ta dis day. Dey's my speshal oKAYshun buddies. Da's why I's be greetin' ebberywun wit 'em win dey hits da Newpouch Citee Limits. Gots ta share da fun, donchaknow??
Lub ya a bushel 'n a peck 'n great big hugz 'roun da nek!!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles