Best wishes and update and thanks
Louise here - I have finally caught up reading the posts. Good luck to all who are on their way to surgery - may you have a speedy recovery and weight loss.
To those with problems and complications - you are in my thoughts, hopes and prayers.
To those of you doing well, I just want to say that I am very happy for you. To me there is nothing better than hearing about a friend's success.
I seem to be doing well. I had a strange occurance this am - I turned to sleep on my left side and heard a crunching/squishing sound. Then I had quite a bit of drainage around the outside of my drain. It frightened me a little so I called the doctor. After asking me several questions he assured me that things are fine. His PA even called a few hours later just to check. I go in Wed. to have the drainage tube removed and then graduate to soft foods. I have to walk a lot of stairs here and get out of breath going up 15 of them to the bedroom but the doc said that that is normal after major surgery.
I saw some posts where people here were asking for me and I have to say that I am very touched by your concern. Thanks so much. I am doing well and I lost 6 pounds!!!
My very best wishes and regards to all.