Help! I'm 8 days away and I NEED A CIGARETTE!!!
I've been very good for the past few weeks. Only cheated a time or two. BUT, I'm eight days away from surgery (March 30th) and have VERY STRESSED! I'm trying to get my house clean and everything in order and I REALLY need that 15 minutes of solitude I used to get when I would go outside and slowly kill myself with nicotine.
I've got the patch on...but it's not helping today!!! I can't just have "one" at this there's no use in cheating. "One" would become "one pack" and I'd be back to my old habits...
Just put in a sheet of chocolate chip cookies into the oven...perhaps that will help??? Oh no...I'm hopeless!!!
You are not hopeless!!!
Don't pick up that nasty, smelly cigie. Just take a deep breath and think about how healthy you are going to be. You do not need that tar on your lungs when you are under anesthesia, keep thinking of that.
I know it is not easy, just hang in there.
I'm thinking of you and wishing you success in the quiting game.
The only thing that make me quit was when I was preg.
Pretend you are preg. and that you would never make your baby go through the withdrawl you are feeling.
Please hang in there. I met someone the other day that didn't quit and had terriable complications from it. Wound up back in the hospital for 8 more days! I know you had rather be anywhere than the hospital for aditional time so, don't!