Help for the Blahs

on 3/21/04 11:35 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Hi everyone. I am feeling especially weak and tired today and generally, just have the blahs. It's all I can do to get on that treadmill! I am exactly 2 weeks post-op today and will see my surgeon on Wednesday; hopefully, he will clear me for mush food as I can hardly tolerate these protein shakes anymore. Is anyone else dealing with low energy and feeling blue 2 weeks out? I have to admit, I am missing food. I am missing the comfort of it, and the taste of it. I have been on liquids since 3/8 and am feeling sorry for myself. Please don't respond with negative comments (I know I'm being a bit of a whimp). Just wondered if anyone else is feeling likewise. Thanks much. Maureen
Betty S.
on 3/21/04 11:54 pm - Fountain City, WI
Maureen, You won't get any negatives from me, what you will get is wishes for this weekness and icky feelings to pass. I will also be praying for you. Love, Peace and Prayers, Betty
Marcie F.
on 3/22/04 12:57 am - Anderson, IN
Hi Maureen! I learned in my nutrition class that feeling blah is quite common after wls, so don't put too much stock in it. If the weather's nice where you live, go outside for your walk, instead of climbing onto that boring ol' treadmill. Or if you have a few quiet moments to yourself, pick up something happy to read or watch a heartwarming TV show (you could read or watch TV while you're on the treadmill, if you're having yucky weather!). For me, I have several 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' books, and I turn them when I need a pick-me-up. And there's always this wonderful board... see ma, no flames! Hugs, -Marcie
Dinka Doo
on 3/22/04 1:40 am - Medford, OR
Have to say, I feel very thankful my doc hasn't kept me on liquids so long. I was able to go on soft foods almost immediately, so I definitely feel for you. I can't imagine doing liquids as long as some doc's have their patients on. Maybe it helps with weight loss, but obviously by seeing the differences in whether some are able to eat or not it really doesn't appear to have anything to do with healing. I hope you are cleared for soft foods soon. Then when you are, having yourself a nice bowl of cream of wheat and some sliced banana. That was my first meal and boy was it yummy! As for the general malaise, I felt that when I wasn't getting protein in. When I drank some protein drinks and got that boosted, my energy and interest in doing stuff shot up. Hope that helps! Dina
on 3/22/04 1:52 am - Key West, FL
I havent felt that way, but I can believe that it is totally normal. Im missing food though! As a matter of fact I'm waiting for my nutritionist to call me back to see if I can advance to regular foods since I am doing so well on everything else and have lost quite a bit of weight in 2 weeks!! Just keep pushing through sweetie you will be fine!! ~Nicole Open RNY 3-9-04 -33 pounds
on 3/22/04 2:33 am - Little Rock, AR
Making yourself exercise helps. Getting out of the house helps. Go to the mall and look at the tiny clothes you will be wearing! Yes it is normal. I have blue days on a recurring schedule. Your hormones get pretty trashed with the surgery and the aftermath of rapid weight loss. The forced breaking of our eating habits wear on the nerves. I think we just have to muddle through. They tell me it gets easier. Joy
Kimmer K.
on 3/22/04 6:57 am - Waterford, MI
Maureen... Please excuse the "negative" I'm gonna put here, but it's only because I totally disagree with something you said. I'll copy/paste the EXACT reply I wrote to Connie in order to save time: Here goes... :: Wimp? WIMP? How could you EVEN consider yourself a wimp knowing not only what you've gone thru, but what you'll have to adapt to for the rest of your life? I'm sorry, but I have to strongly disagree with you, Connie. For what we've gone thru to GET WLS (all the hoops, hoops, and more hoops we're made to jump thru...followed by YET more hoops and jumping...), then going thru the WLS itself, then adapting to the immediate post-op dietary stages in order to give our bodies time to heal...wimp? Don't THINK so! I think WLS folk are about the most strong-minded, tenacious group of people around!!! And I've BEEN with some "big dogs" and "bad-@$$ed" people in my time. No one outside of the WLS world could EVER realize the STRENGTH it takes! Wimp? Not in your life, toots!! You just take whatever time you need to feel better. For some it's quickly, for others, it's a struggle, and for yet others, it's a gradual process. Your body will dance to its own tune: just pay attention to what it's telling you and follow your surgeon's wise advice. Wimp? Sheeya, right...I've seen bigger wimps on a football field making millions of dolllars in the NFL and going thru WAY LESS than what you've gone thru... :: Maureen, quit being so hard on yourself. You're not being a wimp, and EVERYONE is entitled to feel sorry for themselves at times like this. You've been through major surgery, and you're doing a darned good job at adapting to your new system. If food was your 'friend' before WLS, then you're also going through a relationship-break-up with your friend: it's a real feeling, just like 'grieving' food. There's gonna be 'hills and valleys', and right now is not a fun happy place to be. Try to get in some protein if you can, and definitely stay hydrated. Is there something you do that makes ya happy doing it? Try it. Or, if nothing else, turn on a chick flick and get those tear ducts cleaned out: a good cry is an actual physiological cleansing process (altho beware the snorky nose afterward...). Also realize that when you're losing the fat, you're also throwing your hormones into a wild frenzy...PMS has NOTHING on WLS!! Historically, fatigue and depression hit some like a board across the back of the head, altho my surgeons said it's not likely to go full boar 'til about the 4th week out (gee, I can hardly wait...). Maybe you 'hit' early? Everyone's system is different, and you just need to roll with what yours is doing right now. I know that saying "it'll get better" are probably empty words right now, but it WILL get better...and 6 months from now, it'll not only be better, it'll be GREAT!! As my wise Angel sez, keep your eye on the goal. I'm praying for ya...we've all 'been there' and we all know what a real drag it is. Hang in there...prayer is on the way. Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
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